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Imran Khan’s campaign bombs in Kashmir at Islamic meeting


By Ateet Sharma

New Delhi, November 29 (IANS) Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan’s relentless campaign to internationalize Kashmir bombed after the 57-member Islamic bloc brushed aside the Islamabads’ frantic attempt to move India up for repealing Article 370 More than a year ago.

In the latest attempt to slam India for its decision to fully integrate Kashmir with the rest of India, it was once again Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi who had an egg in his face. Qureshi was left with a red face after the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), which held its 47th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in Niamey, Niger, snubbed Pakistan by making no mention of Kashmir in its agenda.

Despite the embarrassment, Qureshi took the route of Islamophobia to mention Kashmir in his speech, another unnecessary exercise, with participating ministers remaining focused on the session’s theme “United Against Terrorism for Peace and Development” .

The OIC, through its Secretary General Yousef Al-Othaimeen, had made it clear that the agenda for this year’s Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) session would include a list of topics and ” matters of concern ”for the Muslim world.

“In addition to the Palestinian cause, the fight against violence, extremism and terrorism, Islamophobia and defamation of religious, the Council will discuss the situation of minorities and Muslim communities in non-member states, by raising funds for the Rohingya case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), as well as the promotion of dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions, and other emerging issues, ”said the OIC, which has 57 member states spread over four continents, in a statement released before the meeting.

The long awaited agenda, however, came as a huge shock to Pakistan which has long demanded a special OIC meeting on Kashmir.

“The meeting has not been called so far because the Saudis, who exercise a virtual veto in the 57-member bloc of Muslim countries, did not support Islamabad’s decision. Kashmir’s latest omission from the agenda of the regular meeting of foreign ministers comes at a time when relations between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia / UAE remain strained over what Pakistani diplomats are calling ” unfulfilled expectations’, ” Pakistan’s leading daily Dawn said in a report. .

Qureshi faced more embarrassment after landing in Niger with Sardar Masood Khan, Pakistan’s former ambassador to the UN, who is now president of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK).

The duo called Niger a “brotherly Islamic country” and urged the founding member of the OIC to raise the issue of Kashmir at the African Union (AU) forum and various other international platforms.

But, as the two-day session kicked off on Friday, neither Mahamadou Issoufou, President of the Republic of Niger, nor any other participating country turned away from the predetermined agenda.

OIC Secretary General Al-Othaimeen said that the choice of the theme of the session, “United Against Terrorism for Peace and Development”, is a strong reminder that “terrorism is the single most threat. serious for the region and the world, given its negative character. impact on growth rates and cooperation links, in addition to the degradation of the ranking of human development indices (HDI) ”.

He also appreciated the role assigned to the OIC Sawt al-Hikma (Voice of Wisdom) Center, which acts in coordination with the International Islamic Fiqh Academy to bring sanity and promote moderation and tolerance.

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