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Libyan Haftar opens diplomatic mission in Syria



Representatives of Libya's eastern commander, Khalifa Haftar, opened a diplomatic mission to Damascus, the Syrian capital, on Tuesday, strengthening ties between Turkey's two fierce enemies.

The Libyan flag was seen hoisted above the embassy of the North African country in the Syrian capital for the first time since 2012.


Libya's eastern government to open embassy in Syria to respond to "Turkish aggression"

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The Russian-backed government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is fighting the forces sent to its northwest torn apart by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Meanwhile, in Libya, Erdogan is supporting the government of the UN-recognized country in Tripoli, which is fighting against troops loyal to Haftar who launched an offensive on the capital last April.

Since 2014, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Egypt have provided Haftar's Libyan national army with military equipment, including planes and helicopters, while Moscow has provided mercenaries.

The Syrian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Faisal al-Meqdad, witnessed the raising of the flag, which he said occurred while the two sides faced a common enemy.

"When Syria decides to renew ties with … Libya, it is the recognition that we are waging a single battle in Syria and Libya against terrorism and those who support it," he said. .

"The Turkish regime and its leader – who has lost touch with reality – are stepping up their attack."

Soaring tensions

Libya has been ravaged by chaos since the 2011 NATO-backed uprising that overthrew and killed longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi, the two rival authorities now vying for power.

Turkey has sent pro-Turkish Syrian troops and fighters to Tripoli to support the government of national accord.


Libyan Prime Minister denounces Haftar as "war criminal"

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Haftar's decision in Syria came as tensions soared between the Assad government and Turkish forces in the northwest, where Turkey shot down several government jets and bombs killed dozens of soldiers from each side.

Haftar's parallel administration has sent its foreign minister Abdulhadi Lahweej and his deputy prime minister Abdul Rahman Al-Ahiresh to Damascus.

"It is not the embassy of the east or west" of Libya, said Meqdad in Syria.

"We believe in one Libya … Our enemy is the one who sells the country to the colonizer, in particular to the Turkish colonizer," he added.

Suspension of diplomatic relations

The Syrian conflict, sparked by the brutal crackdown on anti-government protests in 2011, has killed hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions more.

The Arab League suspended Syria's membership in November 2011 as the death toll increased.

Several regional powers, betting on the demise of the Assad government, have suspended diplomatic relations with Damascus.

"We hope that those who froze Syria's membership will remember their Arabism," said Meqdad.

The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain reopened their diplomatic missions in the Syrian capital in December 2018.

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