An open letter to PM Modi
That I am speaking to you as a friend is not a formality. I have no enemies. My job in life has been for many years to rally the friendship of all of humanity by befriending humanity, regardless of race, color or creed .
I hope you will have the time and the desire to know how much of the humanity that has lived under the influence of this doctrine of universal friendship sees your action. We have no doubts about your bravery or your devotion to your homeland and we don't think you are the monster described by your opponents. But your own writings and statements and those of your friends and admirers leave no doubt that your various actions are monstrous and against human dignity, especially in the eyes of people like me (MKG) who believe in universal conviviality. Such are your humiliations towards (Assam) the rape of (occupied cashmere) and the swallowing of (innocent blood). I am aware that your outlook on life regards these spoliations as a virtuous act. But we have been taught since childhood to consider them as acts degrading humanity. Therefore, we cannot wish success to your arms.
But ours is a unique position. We are no less resistant to British imperialism than to Nazism. If there is a difference, it is in degree. Our resistance does not mean prejudice to the British people. We are looking to convert them, not defeat them on the battlefield. Ours is an unarmed revolt against British rule. But whether we convert them or not, we are determined to make their domination impossible by nonviolent non-cooperation. It is a method in its indefensible nature. It is based on the knowledge that no spoiler can reach its end without a certain degree of cooperation, voluntary or compulsory, from the victim. Our leaders can have our earth and our bodies but not our souls…
In nonviolent technique, defeat does not exist. Everything is "do or die" without killing or hurting. It can be used practically without money and obviously without the help of science or the destruction you have brought to such perfection. It is a wonder to me that you do not see that it is nobody's monopoly. You leave no legacy for your people to be proud of. They cannot be proud of a skillfully planned, cruel act recital, however. I therefore appeal to you on behalf of humanity to stop the (genocide)…
In this season when the hearts of the peoples (nations of South Asia) yearn for peace … is it too much to ask you to make an effort for peace at a time which may mean nothing to you personally but which must mean a lot for the millions of our (people) whose mute cry of peace I hear, for my ears are attentive to hearing the millions of mutes?
I am,
Your sincere friend,
Narendra Modi, this is not a text designed by me; these are the contents of a letter, written in 1940 to the diametrically opposed (?) leader Adolf Hitler by your own Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – The Mahatma, as you prefer to address him. I just changed the places, the time and made it relevant to what you are mercilessly chasing (the words in parentheses are mine). Please read the letter again, is it not a battle between the highest greetings of humanity against unthinkable, evil and satanic evil. Gandhi was 71 years old, when he wrote this, you are 69 years old, but you learned nothing from the pages of your own history. You represent a bad mentality. Gandhi was not listened to by Hitler, who then invaded countries, tore them apart, caused the holocaust and where did he end ……? He committed suicide in a bunker, in the ruins of Berlin. Do you have a bunker in New Delhi? Otherwise, how about building one, it will serve you well, sooner than your evil spirit can anticipate it.
Narendra, (I am rarely rude, but I cannot tell you what a pleasure it is to address in the manner done here, as you do not represent humanity, civility or the decency of basis of a living soul). Learn from the kindness that resides in Hinduism and that is present in most Indians. India of Nehru, Gandhi, Abdul Kalam Azad, Rafi Kidwai, Dr. Rajendra Prasad and so many of them was a big country. You bring it down to anarchy, turmoil and inhumanity. In the media, yours and around the world, you normally have the truest appellation prefixed with your name, "the butcher of Gujarat" – you have containers of blood on your hands – you can shake hands and kiss, anyone who wishes to kiss evil, but your hands and your mind will remain dirty and bad.
How long will you terrorize the innocent men, women and children of the Kashmir Valley? Narendra, you will taste the invocations and supplications of orphans, widows, dispossessed, underprivileged – it is quite natural that you are struck by the flashes of their misfortunes …
Narendra Modi, this is not a threat, but a reminder for you to learn from history – by the way do you read anything other than the devil dictionary? Joseph Stalin was furious and angry with the belligerence of Tito of Yugoslavia, who refused his dictation. Stalin sent several assassins who failed in the task. Marshall Tito continued to ignore, but ultimately wrote this letter (which Stalin kept as his personal collection) "Stop sending people to kill me! We have already captured five of them. one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle. …… if you don't stop sending killers, I will send a very quick one to Moscow and I certainly won't have to send another one. " Going back to my usual courtesy, Prime Minister Modi, imagine how many of these written and unwritten letters are waiting to be put in your mailbox, in the hope that you will stop the genocide of Muslims in Kashmir and India. You do not represent an average Indian. I have many Indian friends, they were and still are such wonderful and charming human beings – it is amazing what a human species fills and fills the ballot boxes in your favor – or is it excellent engineering and making results!
Kashmir has been plunged in pain and grief for almost 75 years. Their aspirations are submerged in a sea of ​​tears and blood. Humanity in general, Without the OIC, wonders why nature has wiped New Delhi from reason. War is always a sight of indescribable horror. When the vast majority of sensitive Indians get rid of the threat, this protath of Nathuram Vinayak Godse (Godse was the fanatical Hindu, who killed Mohandas Gandhi). Hinduism is a religion of peace and tolerance. Most Indians know this and respect it. What a pleasant sight to see the Hindus of Delhi creating a cordon around their Muslim brothers, allowing them to offer their Friday prayers, last week, without fear and in peace. Aberrations must be eliminated by good Indians, the sooner the better.
By the speed with which you shoot each head that rises, India would need more cemeteries than houses. War is an enemy of humanity and more so of two nuclear states. It is not an option. My Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is otherwise mercurial, has shown great political sense in continually reminding you of your duty to the well-being of Kashmir and all Muslims and other minorities living in India. He has shown more maturity than you can imagine; it is time that you show some spirit of state like wisdom. Imran Khan opens the Kartarpur, while you rush to the ground of mosques and churches. Giving up being a paternal pimp like Amit Shah. These low flatterers will ruin you. When you realize it would be late. Mr. Modi, act now, remove the Kashmir curfew, give them the right to self-determination and be good to all Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Jains, Christians, Jews – – they all love it 39; India, but not you.
Modi for the expiation of the serious sins that you committed against your country and your people, it can do you good to park in the city of Varanasi; sit on the banks of the Ganges (Ganga Mayya) and immerse your bloody fingers in the flowing river, it will turn red, but keep your fingers submerged until the waters are clear – you may need to sit there until eternity.
It is amazing that the same Gujarat (Indian) produce, a man who represented the universal brotherhood of men, the Mahatma, also unleashes on humanity, a bad man, that Narendra Modi is. What paradox? India is Gandhi. India can never be Modi.
From: A Pakistani friend (just like the Mahatma)
(The author is an independent contributor. The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the newspaper)
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