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Highlights of Xi's remarks at a leaders' meeting on COVID-19 control and stabilizing the economy – Xinhua




Chinese President Xi Jinping, also secretary general of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and chairman of the Central Military Commission, chairs a symposium at the Tsinghua University School of Medicine in Beijing, capital of China, March 2, 2020. (Xinhua / Yan Yan)

BEIJING, March 4 (Xinhua) – Xi Jinping chaired a management meeting to study the main tasks of preventing and controlling the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and stabilizing economic and social development.

Xi, also secretary general of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), made an important speech at the Wednesday meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.


A recovered patient (R) greets medical staff at the temporary hospital, which applies traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment to patients, in Wuhan, central China's Hubei Province on May 26 February 2020. (Xinhua / Shen Bohan)

After the strenuous efforts of the whole country, a positive trend appeared while the situation of prevention and control of epidemics has improved regularly and the resumption of the order of work and life has 39; is accelerated.

Here are the highlights of what President Xi is urging:

– Accelerate the establishment of an economic and social order compatible with the prevention and control of epidemics;

– Consolidate and extend the hard-won positive trend and quickly bring the country's economic and social development back to normal;

– Create the conditions for a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and the eradication of poverty;

– Understand the complexity of the current situation in terms of prevention and control of epidemics, as well as economic and social development;

– No laxity in preparing for the response to epidemics, as the risk of an outbreak increases in regions outside Hubei as more and more people move and the crowd gathers;

– More international cooperation in the prevention and control of epidemics;

– Targeted and solid measures to push for the return to work in order to minimize the losses caused by the epidemic.


People work in the workshop of Zhejiang Eboy Technology Co., Ltd. in Deqing County, east China's Zhejiang Province, March 3, 2020. Deqing County has put policies in place to help businesses get back to work while fighting the new coronavirus epidemic . (Xinhua / Huang Zongzhi)

The meeting requests:

– sustained and solid efforts to strengthen prevention and control in Hubei and Wuhan, in particular at the community level;

– All COVID-19 patients with severe conditions should be treated in designated high-level hospitals;

– intensify scientific research related to epidemics, with an emphasis on solving the most urgent problems;

– Differentiated approaches to help work and production to resume in the regions according to their epidemic situation;

– Liberate consumption that had been suppressed by the epidemic and strengthen new and improved consumption to compensate for the loss of consumption of goods and services during the epidemic.

– Stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment, help businesses, stabilize employment, create more jobs, help college graduates and migrant workers find work and solve hardship small family businesses;

– Increased efforts to help poor areas and people, especially migrant workers from poor regions, to ensure that the goal of poverty eradication is reached on time, according to the meeting;

– More attention given to epidemic prevention and control activities in Beijing and other key regions;


Medical team members comfort each other before leaving for Hubei Province at Chongqing North station in southwest Chongqing, China, February 28, 2020 (photo by Huang Wei / Xinhua)

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