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US Secretary of State candidate sees solid basis for China’s bipartisan politics


New Delhi: In a sign that the new Biden administration could largely follow the Trump administrations’ line on China, candidate for secretary of state Antony Blinken said China presents the greatest challenge “for the United States, while that India was a bipartisan achievement “with which the new US government can deepen its ties.

Blinken, a close associate of President-elect Joe Biden who had served in the Barack Obama administration made the comments during a hearing with the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee to confirm him as secretary of state.

As we look at China, there is no doubt that it poses the most significant challenge of any nation-state in the United States in terms of our interests, the interests of the American people, “Blinken said on the night of Wednesday US-China relations include growing contradictory aspects, “some competitive aspects and some cooperative aspects,” he said, adding that it is in the mutual interest of the two countries to work together.

Analysts have predicted that Biden and his team may be less confrontational with China than the outgoing Trump administration.

Regarding India, Blinken said ties with New Delhi had broad bipartisan support in Washington in the Republican and Democratic parties.

I think India has been a real bipartisan achievement over successive administrations. It started … towards the end of the Clinton administration, after the nuclear tests, when relations were put back on a better footing, “Blinken said. I think there are many ways to deepen this cooperation. to follow the path the administrations put us on it, ”he added.

Blinken recalled that as a senator, Biden had led the efforts of the Foreign Relations Committee to bring the civilian nuclear deal between India and the United States under President George W. Bush. I think under the Obama administration we deepened cooperation with India, especially in the area of ​​defense procurement, also on information sharing, “he said. The Trump team had advances this cooperation, including the concept of an Indo-Pacific and making sure that we work with India so that no country in the region, including China, can challenge its sovereignty and also work with it on our shared concerns about terrorism, “Blinken said. He cited climate change as an area for potential cooperation as India almost catches up with China on carbon emissions over the next decades. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been a strong advocate of renewable energies and technologies, creating strong potential for cooperation in this area, he said.

Blinken agreed with Trump’s strong stance on China, but added that he differed over the outgoing administration’s methods. The United States had to start approaching China from a position of strength and not of weakness “and this had to be done by working with allies, leading international institutions, defending human rights in Xinjiang and crushing democracy in Hong Kong, he said.

For decades, China had followed a policy of hiding its hand and biding its time “to assert its interests beyond the country’s borders. After the arrival of Chinese President Xi Jinping, the cover-up and the wait are gone and they are much more assertive, making it clear that they are actually seeking to be the number one country in the world and are setting the standards, “

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