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Pakistani military dismisses Imran in fight against Corona


Pakistani army chief general Qamar Javed Bajwa chats with top commanders, moves troops to lock down the country, while the civilian government of Prime Minister Imran Khan has refused to take effective measures to control the corona virus. The decision of the armed forces to take effective measures to combat the spread of the deadly virus shows that civilian governments are incapable, and also reaffirm the position of the Bajwas in the army and the government. At the beginning of this year, the law was amended to guarantee the extension of the Bajwas until 2022 with the support of all the main political parties which had ended the close alliance between Imran Khan and the GHQ, the headquarters of the Army. With the retirement of the eight generals by the end of the current years, Bajwa will emerge as powerful as Zia-ul-Haq, the Amry dictator who ruled the country with iron hands and hanged the civilian elected People’s Prime Minister, ZA Bhutto through a fictitious judicial process.

The deployment of the military as an institution serving the common man can also help improve the image of the forces. On the issue of foreclosure, the Pakistani media is fragmented. Only among the top journalists, Najam Sethi, seems to be in favor of Khan, but others are almost confronted by Khan for his failure to take effective measures to fight the crisis. Meanwhile, Pakistan has requested US $ 1.4 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to cope with the economic downturn. In addition to IMF financial assistance, the government’s financial advisor, Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, also sought financial assistance from the Aiusan Development Bank. Total aid could be more than $ 3.7 billion, while the country is still on the gray list for its failure to stop funding terrorists and their outfits.

The deployment of the army has occurred a great deal against the very pronounced policy of Prime Minister Imran Khan that there was no need to lock the country. The forces’ initiative follows the ongoing confrontation between the Khan government and the media amid the viral crisis which is becoming more and more difficult with each passing day. The return of the president of the Pakistani Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) Shehbaz Sharif is going to be a new headache for Khan, although certain Pakistani chains have excluded any political activity from Shehbaz, who is also the younger brother of the former Prime Minister. Nawaz Sharif.

Confrontation with journalists

Amidst these developments, Khan has already opened a front against journalists by arresting the editor of the Jang and Geo Media Group, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman. Rahman is one of the few Pakistani journalists known in the world and had played a key role in the Aman-ki-Asha movement forging friendship between India and Pakistan. He is also respected for his objective journalism.

Not surprisingly, the arrest of a well-respected journalist on charges of land seizure by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB), says Khans that he defends media freedom, is now suspect. His inability to deal with aggressive media questions further eroded his credibility. One of the main journalists, Rauf Klasra, asked why his government could not take precautionary measures before the nationwide spread of the deadly Corona virus. The lively interaction between journalists and the Prime Minister closed the press conference with a bitter note. He was quickly followed by Khan supporters on social media calling Rauf Klasra a barking dog and the agent of the land grabber, Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman.

The Khans’ clash with the media began when he lost his temper over the issue of his government’s lackluster efforts to manage the impending crisis. He even threatened to cancel a very important press conference after journalist Irshad Bhatti asked for comments on the federal government’s media restrictions on Pakistan. Another veteran journalist, Rauf Klasra, was also humiliated when he asked Khan to comment on the unprecedented restrictions on the media. However, he refused to answer the question, claiming instead that the media in Pakistan were freer than the media in western democracies.

Isolation of the Pakistans

The impossibility for Imran Khan to participate Sunday, March 15 in the video summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka has revealed its inability to understand the gravity of the situation. It was natural for the Indian side to describe the discreet participation of the Pakistans for having politicized a humanitarian problem, but the Pakistani media did not approve the Minister of Health, Zafar Mirza, Minister of State for Health, who seemed rather bad comfortable at the summit. Instead of discussing cooperation between nations to fight the virus, Mirza lifted the lock in Jammu and Kashmir.

It is natural for people to argue that Khan has a particular mindset, which only targets India and Modi. His absence could not be justified, because if the Prime Minister of Nepal KP Sharma Oli could be present, why he did not participate. It should be noted that Sharma did not leave the hospital until Saturday after having undergone a kidney transplant. In addition to Modi and Sharma, Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, Maldivian President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotay Tshering, Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani participated in the videoconference. The underlying message from the videoconference was for a united effort to deal with the pandemic. It is also interesting to note that Pakistan has made no contribution to the SAARC fund to combat the threat.

Shehbaz Sharif in Pakistan

The political situation in Pakistan became more difficult for the Khan government with the return of Shehbaz. He was not to arrive in Pakistan until his niece Maryams returned to London to care for Nawaz Sharif, who was opposed by the Khans government. His arrival risks upsetting Imran Khan and his friends, who have so far failed to end the deadlock with the opposition parties. He also missed a dialogue with India on tackling the viral threat in the region.

Shehbaz is known for his political relations with the Pakistani army. He may not undertake a political campaign in the near future, but he can rewrite the political relationship with the country’s power center, the GHQ, the army headquarters. By refusing Maryam permission to visit her sick father Nawaz in London, Khans lost much of his fame as a politician and leader.

On the other hand, Shehbaz, who is said to have refused to replace his brother as Prime Minister, is expected to play a central role in gloomy Pakistani politics. He is said to have convinced his brother Nawaz and his niece Maryam to support the army chief, General Qamar Javed Bajwas, in the Pakistani National Assembly.

Shehbaz, who was chief Minister of Punjab (Pakistan), is known as a seasoned politician as his brother. Shortly after his arrival, he asked in his press briefing that the Prime Minister effectively uses the media to meet the challenge of the corona virus. His appeal is significant in the midst of the demand from people of all walks of life expressing their dissatisfaction with the illegal detention of Mir Shakil-ur-Rahman. Prime Minister should release Geo / Jang group leader Mir Shakilur Rehman on bail as a measure of goodwill, he said, adding that the move would bring positive results for governments fighting the epidemic then. as the number of confirmed virus cases increased. .

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