Tibetan children denied mother tongue lessons
(London) China's bilingual education policy has accelerated the end of Tibetan education in primary schools in Tibetan regions, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Politics, carried out over the past decade in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) and other Tibetan regions, has increased the teaching of the Chinese language at all levels, at all levels. exception to the study of the Tibetan language itself.
The 91-page report, China's Bilingual Education Policy in Tibet: Tibetan Schooling Under Threat, examines Chinese governments' decline in minority rights to education on the pretext of improving education # 39; access to education. It highlights the compulsory bilingual kindergartens that immerse Tibetan children in the Chinese language and state propaganda from 3 years old, in the name of strengthening the unity of nationalities. These developments reflect a policy of assimilation of minorities which has grown under the leadership of President Xi Jinpings.
China's bilingual education policy is driven by political rather than educational imperatives, said Sophie Richardson, director of China. The Chinese government is violating its international legal obligations to provide Tibetan education to Tibetans.
The report features in-depth interviews with Tibetan teachers, academics and former government officials, and includes translations of recent Tibetan petitions and debates on language rights and education.
The constitution of China guarantees the linguistic rights of minorities and education in Tibetan began to be introduced in schools in the relatively liberal years of the 80s, but only at the primary level in the TAR. In an increasingly repressive political climate, the authorities now even consider local initiatives to promote the Tibetan language as separatist activities. Many Tibetans regard the primacy and continuity of their language as the fundamental guarantee of their future as a distinct people within the People's Republic of China (PRC).
From 2010 to 2012, the phasing out of Tibetan education in Tibetan regions of Qinghai Province sparked school protests that the authorities crushed, but resulted in the suspension of the new policy. In May 2019, however, Golok Prefecture in Qinghai announced that Chinese would become the medium of education at all levels, starting in the September semester.
No such announcement has been made in the TAR, and officials say that every primary school can decide to switch from Tibetan education to teaching in Chinese. But the Human Rights Watch report presents evidence that the authorities have adopted measures that appear designed to pressure local schools to switch to Chinese. These measures include the hiring of thousands of non-Tibetan teachers speaking from other parts of China as part of the Aid Tibet program and the promotion of ethnically mixed classes, also for the sake of nationality unit. This makes the adoption of the Chinese language largely unavoidable, especially in urban areas, even without direct compulsion.
International observers denied access to Tibetan regions of China, but in September 2019, Human Rights Watch was able to ask parents and teachers in six rural townships in the municipality questions about the language of instruction from Nagchu, in northern ART. All replied that in March 2019, their local primary schools had switched to the use of Chinese as the language of instruction.
Tibetan sources told Human Rights Watch that while it was necessary and desirable for children to be fluent in Chinese, this was by no means incompatible with teaching Tibetan at the kindergarten and primary levels. . Some were aware of international academic research showing that children learn faster and better in their own language and are better placed to learn a second language once they have acquired skills in their mother tongue. An expert contributor to an online debate wrote: (I) it is surprising that we want to give up our own advantage of having a system of education in the mother tongue and consider this transformation as a quality improvement. It's as stupid as putting a tree on the ladder to catch a fish.
The Chinese version of bilingual education violates international human rights law, in particular the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ( PIDCP). United Nations committees such as those on the rights of the child; Economic, social and cultural rights; and Elimination of Racial Discrimination have all expressed concern about the rights of Tibetans to education in their own language and culture in China. UN member countries should express their concerns urgently and publicly in bilateral meetings and international forums.
China's bilingual education policy in Tibet runs counter to the constitution, international standards and expert consensus on the importance of mother tongue education and basic aspirations of the Tibetan people, said Richardson. Forced assimilation is not a solution to the governance of ethnic minority regions, nor is national security an acceptable justification for denying education rights in the region. mother tongue.
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