Daily Mail concedes allegations against Shehbaz Sharif based on presumption, no evidence
Former Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif Daily Mail lawyers have so far requested two extensions to file their defense Service hearing in defamation case takes place when parties dispute the meaning of words The newspaper alleged that Shahbaz Sharif was involved in the corruption of funds donated to Pakistan by British taxpayers
LONDON: The lawyer for the Associated Newspapers Daily Mail and Mail said on Sunday that detailed evidence against Shahbaz Sharif regarding corruption and the alleged money laundering was quite limited and based on assumptions that he lives in a palace in Lahore.
Lawyer Andrew Caldecott QC was arguing in front of London High Court Judge Matthew Nicklin during the virtual service hearing in the Shahbaz Sharif vs Daily Mail defamation case.
Caldecott said the Daily Mail admitted there were no allegations of money laundering against Shehbaz and members of his family and that the political witch-hunt element cannot be ruled out, but this does not mean that there was no money laundering as claimed by the newspaper in David Rose’s. article.
Judge Nicklin noted at the start of the hearing that he had read the documents presented by lawyers for the Daily Mail and Shahbaz Sharifs. However, Judge Nicklin said he knew there were proceedings in Pakistan involving Shahbaz Sharif but had “deliberately read nothing about the proceedings in Pakistan because it is not for me to read. or to know. I’d rather not know what’s going on in Pakistan.
The publication’s lawyer widely cited the statement by Prime Minister Imran Khan’s adviser Shahzad Akbar that the money laundering investigation had started in Pakistan, leading to the discovery of a huge amount, while It was also revealed that funds from the Department for International Development (DFID) had been “embezzled”. . The lawyer also read excerpts from the article on cash boys and “poppadom men”.
The investigation is currently continuing in Pakistan to find the source of these funds. This investigation is far from over and Daily Mail has very limited information. Having established the extent of money laundering, the investigation is now moving to the next phase, ”he added.
Adrienne Page QC, appearing for Shahbaz Sharif, told the judge that the Daily Mail article illustrated Shahbaz’s ties to the UK government and then alleged he was involved in bribery.
The lawyer took the court through the entire article and said the article was libelous from start to finish, lacking in evidence, but making baseless allegations of fraud and money laundering.
The Daily Mail article implicated former Punjab chief minister Shahbaz Sharif as implicated in the alleged theft of British taxpayer money. This has been extremely damaging and shameful for Mr Sharif in the eyes of British readers and readers in Pakistan, a country which benefits enormously from British aid to his country. The suggestion that his administration was involved in the theft of UK money was a serious allegation.
She added that the article stated that he was guilty of corruption and beneficiary of the money laundered from the UK. The allegation of laundered money was conveyed as a fact in the article. “Who was the money stolen from?” Money laundering is a criminal offense, but who was the victim and where is the evidence? Where is the stolen money? Where is the evidence? Where is the evidence of bribes and embezzlement?
Read more: Pakistan asks UK to extradite Shehbaz’s son-in-law on a reciprocal basis’
The lawyer said Shahbaz’s son denied the allegations of money laundering and corruption, but the newspaper used Akbar and Transparency International’s statements to slander his client.
“The headlines, the captions, the construction of the article, the Mail on Sunday campaign against foreign funding, the end of the article. It was all libelous. It is at the heart of everything this plaintiff is a beneficiary of money laundering, ”she told the court.
Lawyer Victoria Simon-Shore appeared for Shahbaz Sharifs’ son-in-law Imran Ali Yousaf. She told the court that her client dismissed all allegations of corruption, embezzlement and money laundering. She said the allegation in the article that Imran Ali Yousaf mysteriously accumulated money because his in-laws were in power was far from the truth.
Investigations are ongoing and nothing has been determined. The presumption of innocent until proven guilty applies, she told Justice Nicklin.
The Mail’s lawyer defended the publication of the article and said it was in the public interest and that investigations are always carried out after the publication of such articles alleging wrongdoing.
It is relevant to mention here that the newspaper alleged that Shahbaz Sharif was involved in the corruption of funds donated to Pakistan by British taxpayers.
The report says DFID poured over $ 500million of UK taxpayer dollars into the Punjab in aid during Shahbaz’s tenure as chief minister.
The PML-N chairman said he and his family were unable to withdraw money from the earthquake fund because the quake occurred in 2005 before he became chief minister of the Punjab.
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