YouTubers Project ‘Boris Johnson is a Wet Wipe’ on Houses of Parliament
Yes that’s right, this is the level of political discourse we have reached in 2021.
To be fair, this is a view shared by many people, so it might be best if she is represented alongside everyone else.
Admittedly, few contrasting opinions were seen in gigantic illuminated letters on the seat of British government.
Regardless of what you think, this is a pretty impressive and big shot to shoot. The production values are also to be admired.
Boris Johnson is a huge fan of writing big, short slogans on things and supporting them, so maybe – even if it’s a big dig in his direction – he has a reluctant respect for Zac Alsop and Jamie Rawsthorne.
The two men run a channel where they present the imaginative title “ The Zac and Jay Show ” to their 772,000 subscribers.
One would have to imagine that they will choose a few other followers after this stunt.
Unveiling their work on Twitter, Rawsthorne wrote: “You’re welcome, UK public,”
His colleague added: “Boris is a wet wipe that goes over it.”
So while the PM was clearly popular enough to win a general election fairly easily in recent years, the court of opinion on Twitter seems to be siding with both YouTubers.
One person joked, “Sorry, but a wet wipe is helpful.”
Another said: “The wet wipe evokes feelings of being overly cautious, hyper-sensitive and lacking in common sense.
“This is a totally inadequate description of Johnson.”
A third said: “Everyone who cries on the ‘Boris Johnson is a wet wipe’ screening needs to grab a hold, if he doesn’t like it, he shouldn’t be such a massive wet wipe.”
However, for the sake of balance – and because their opinion is also valid – there are others who disagree with the feelings, especially because – if you remember – London and all of the UK are supposed to be stranded.
Of course, they would probably call this a work engagement, considering they’re professional YouTubers.
One of those people wrote, “Isn’t that immature and illegal?”
They then added: “It’s illegal the last time I check [sic] you can’t shine a large amount of light on a building, especially government property, and the fact that I’m pretty sure about the wet wipe is an insult here that would fall under other legislation as well, if I didn’t Don’t be fooled, it’s called an artificial light nuisance. “
I’m not sure any of us got “artificial light nuisance” during the draw, but it’s a cracking name for a band.
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