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Veronica Koman Surati UN urges Jokowi to release political prisoners from Papua


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Human Rights LawyerVeronica Koman and Jennifer Robinson wrote to the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and the Special Rapporteur (The United Nations) to urge the Indonesian government to release 63 political prisoners (political prisoner) cases of treason linked to movements in Papua.

Veronicamlaim 56 of the 63 names were submitted to President Joko Widodo during a trip to Australia some time ago.

“But so far, we have received no response unless the minister says the data is” garbage “. For this reason, we urge the United Nations and the Indonesian government to take the political prisoners to seriously because now lives are at stake, “said Veronica in a written statement to, Thursday (04/16).

Veronica called this exhortation crucial in the midst of the corona virus pandemic (Covid-19). According to him, the respiratory capacity in Indonesia is excessive, making it vulnerable to the spread of the crown.

“Indonesia, with the highest mortality rate in Asia, has recognized the risk of spreading Covid-19 in its prisons overcapacity with the release of 30,000 prisoners. However, the 63 political prisoners, who do not pose a threat to the community, are still imprisoned, “he said.

A release letter for Papuan political prisoners was sent on Wednesday evening (4/15), accompanied by a 400-page document relating to the data of political prisoners and a description of the violations of international law committed by the Indonesian government.

A total of 63 political prisoners consisted of 56 indigenous Papuans, 1 non-Papuan Indonesian, 5 Moluccas and 1 Polish citizen.

Veronica has revealed a number of names on the list of 63 political prisoners, including FRI-West Papua spokesperson Surya Anta Ginting, Polish citizen Jakub Skrzypski and woman carrying the Morning Star flag, Sayang Mandabayan.

He said most of the political prisoners were arrested during mass protests in Papua in late 2019. They were subject to article 106 and / or article 110 of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of 20 years. . But only seven of them have been convicted.

“Some have been arrested only for flying the flag of the Morning Star or the King’s Thread, or for participating in peaceful actions, as well as for being members of organizations that support the right to self-determination: all of these activities are guaranteed by international law, “he said.

(dhf / wis)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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