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John Oliver examines Trump’s impeachment trial – Deadline


There has been a lot of news since last week’s broadcast tonight with John Oliver in November, like the launch of the vaccine rollout, the Game Stop Wall Street extravagance and a week-long obsession with chants of sea ​​- anyway. That said, Oliver has decided to kick off Season 8 with one of last week’s most urgent reporting: Donald Trump’s impeachment trial.

Democrats have presented a compelling forensic case file on Trump’s clear role as instigator of the January 6 riots and in response his lawyers mounted a defense that could charitably be termed ‘incoherent’ with dots faint ranging from a lawyer recalling his childhood record collection. to another subjecting the Senate to an 11-minute video of Democrats simply using the word ‘fight’, ”Oliver said. It might have looked like they might not be trying very hard, but maybe that’s because they didn’t really have to. He pointed out that Ted Cruz even met with Trump’s lawyers while the case was still ongoing to tell them the outcome was already all but determined and they had already won.

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“The point is, he was right,” Oliver admitted. He added that Republicans would acquit the former Celebrity Apprentice host, regardless of the “depressing sign of the depth of Trumpism in their party.” However, at the state level it is even worse.

More than a dozen state lawmakers attended the “Stop the Steal” rally that preceded the riots and one of them, Derrick Evans, a new West Virginia state lawmaker, entered. inside and claimed he was a member of the media for “cinema history”. , the images he filmed seemed to speak differently as he was seen shouting “Trump!” and delightfully participate in the insurrection.

Evans has since resigned – but there are more.

The Oregon GOP released a statement saying the riots were a “false flag” operation designed to discredit Trump while Michigan’s top Republican-elect Mike Shirkey released false statements saying the deadly riots were a hoax and that they were organized by someone who finances. although Trump who tweeted repeatedly about the January 6 protest saying things like “Be there, will be wild.”

Meanwhile, the Arizona Republican Party censored three members for not supporting Trump enough, including Cindy McCain. They also retweeted and tweeted messages that helped fuel the fire that would break out later on January 6, including a quote from the 2008 Rambo movie that read, “This is what we do, who we are. Live for Nothing or Die for Something ”in the Stop the Steal campaign.

Additionally, Arizona Republican senators have also attempted to hold the Maricopa County Supervisory Board in contempt for refusing to hand over ballots and inspecting machines. A GOP lawmaker in Arizona also introduced a bill that would allow the legislature to revoke electoral certification. In other words, if it was a law in November, the state would have given the electoral votes to Trump.

Republicans across the country have yet responded to what has been called “the safest election in US history” by pushing for laws that will continue to make voting more difficult. Arizona introduced 19 restrictive voting bills while 33 states introduced more than 165 restrictive bills this year.

Fortunately, there is HR1 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act that can put the brakes on all this voter suppression – but there is a catch. These bills have a good chance of being passed if they end the filibuster. To do that, all Democrats must be on board – Joe Manchin doesn’t want to kill the filibuster. It makes it difficult.

“It’s bad enough [he’s] defending filibuster to defend the legacy of Robert C. Byrd, a man who literally tried to block the original voting rights law in 1964, ”Oliver said. Byrd has used what Manchin advocates in the worst possible way.

“It would be like promoting Zoom by reminding everyone that Jeffrey Toobin used it,” Oliver joked.

Besides Manchin, Oliver points out that Democrats like Kyrsten Sinema and Dianne Feinstein have defended filibuster while President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have remained “lukewarm” on the issue.

“Democrats just can’t afford to rest on their laurels just yet – Republicans certainly aren’t!” he insisted. “They have made it clear that they are ready to take things to drastic levels and Democrats just don’t seem ready to deal with this threat just yet.”

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