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Advisor says Rudy Giuliani is no longer Donald Trump’s lawyer amid $ 1.3 billion Dominion lawsuit


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is no longer the personal lawyer for former President Donald Trump, according to a Trump spokesperson.

Giuliani was recently targeted by Dominion Voting Systems in a $ 1.3 billion lawsuit for his claims that the company’s voting machines helped “steal” the 2020 presidential election from Trump.

Most recently, Giuliani has been the public face of the Trump campaign’s attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results in state courts and legislatures. As part of his efforts, Giuliani and other Trump supporters have claimed that the Dominion’s voting machines were programmed to transfer votes from Trump to President Joe Biden.

Dominion has repeatedly denied the allegations and in January filed a $ 1.3 billion libel suit against Giuliani and Trump’s attorney Sidney Powell, another former member of the campaign’s legal team. Trump.

Rudy Giuliani is no longer the personal lawyer for former President Donald Trump, according to a spokesperson for Trump. Giuliani was recently targeted by Dominion Voting Systems in a $ 1.3 billion lawsuit for his claims that the company’s voting machines helped “steal” the 2020 presidential election from Trump. In this July 1, 2020 photo, Giuliani speaks with reporters outside the West Wing of the White House in Washington, DC. Somodevilla / Getty chip

On January 25, Dominion CEO John Paulos said in a statement that Giuliani’s continued allegations regarding the Dominion’s involvement in voter fraud had “undermined confidence in America’s democratic institutions,” adding “[Giuliani] continues to make demonstrable misrepresentation, and we intend to hold him and those who spread disinformation to account. “

On the same day, Giuliani said the Dominion trial was “meant to scare the faint of heart.” Giuliani called it “another act of intimidation by the hate left to destroy and censor the exercise of free speech, as well as the ability of lawyers to vigorously defend their clients.” He also pledged to file a counter-lawsuit against the voting machine company.

Giuliani said he wanted to examine the technology behind Dominion’s voting machines as well as the company’s history, finances, and business relationships for possible corruption. There is no evidence Dominion committed voter fraud or vote change in the 2020 national election.

At the same time, Giuliani also faces possible legal issues for his alleged role in instigating the January 6 insurgency on the U.S. Capitol.

At Trump’s pre-insurgency “Stop the Steal” rally, Giuliani continued to argue his theory about rigged voting machines as Trump repeatedly told the crowd that the election was stolen from him. Giuliani also told the crowd: “Let’s do a trial by combat” rather than trying to keep arguing the election result in court; an attempt that had already failed in more than 60 court cases filed by Trump and the Republican Party.

At the end of January, Middlebury College in Vermont revoked an honorary degree it had awarded to Giuliani in recognition of his response to the September 11, 2001 attacks as mayor of New York. The president of the private liberal arts college, Laurie Patton, accused Giuliani of “instigating a violent uprising” on Capitol Hill on January 6.

Giuliani also faces expulsion from the New York State Bar Association for his role in the Jan.6 uprising.

Newsweek has reached out to Trump for comment.

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