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Trump is guilty of pandemicide


Finally, we see glimmers of hope. The COVID-19 epidemic in the United States has fallen below the number of new daily cases on the eve of the presidential election, as this viral nightmare exploded. Using the New York Times coronavirus data tracking, as of November 1, 2020, 74,195 new cases have been counted in the country; as of February 16, the new case reports were 64,376.

But between those dates, a national horror unfolded, culminating on January 8 with 300,619 new cases reported in just 24 hours. This staggering wave, a year after the start of the pandemic, was completely unnecessary for the richest country in the world. To achieve a sense of closure, we will have to hold Donald Trump responsible for the failure.

There is ample evidence of Trump’s neglect during the third wave of pandemics. Had I been a member of the House of Representatives during the impeachment deliberations of the body, I would have added the crime of pandemicide to Trump’s indictment, making him responsible for most of the deaths from COVID-19 which came as he, the nation’s leader, was preoccupied with Joe Bidens’ overwhelming election victory. Trump’s failure, as he swore in his oath of office, to faithfully carry out the post of President of the United States has enacted a scale of lives lost surpassing anything that has been experienced in the country since the civil war, 160 years ago.

I’m not accusing Trump of pandemicide in reference to mistakes his administration made between January 2020, when it was generally unaware of the outbreak in Wuhan, China, and the summer spike in cases and deaths across the United States. . I am not charging Trump’s pandemicide on February 26, 2020, dismissing the COVID-19 threat as tiny, saying the level we have had in our country is very low and these people are improving, or we think in almost all cases are better or improving. We have a total of 15. I also don’t charge a pandemicide for its repeated insistence that COVID-19 cures were available in the form of hydroxychloroquine, bleach, ultraviolet light, convalescent plasma therapy. , Regeneron cocktail, oleander extract or just in hot weather.

And while there is striking evidence that the four-year Trump administration’s policies have dramatically worsened life expectancy and death rates in the United States, contributing to 461,000 excess deaths in 2018 alone, these are senseless, thoughtless policies and a brutal budget. cuts, preceding the arrival of the viruss on the American coasts.

Pandemicide is not the result of ill-advised, ignorant or downright stupid budget actions and health messages. I’m not even leveling the charge on Trump’s denouncing the use of masks and opposing temporary business and school closures to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2, encouraging people to release them. States that had strict lockdown regulations.

Rather, the path to pandemicide has been paved in the pursuit of re-election of presidents and his relentless and all-consuming post-election campaign to refute the victory of his opponents, claiming electoral fraud and even theft. Despite the summer surge in COVID-19 infections across the country, Trump has abandoned the virtual campaign in favor of crowded and largely unmasked gatherings from his supporters, knowingly risking each rally to become a mass-market event. 18 election rallies held between June 20 and September 22, 2020, according to a Stanford University study, resulted in more than 30,000 cases of COVID-19, likely resulting in more than 700 deaths. During the same period, half of the Trump campaign rallies were followed by spikes in COVID-19 in the counties where they took place. While the Bidens campaign rallies were largely virtual or held in parking lots with participants in their vehicles, the very compact crowds, mostly without masks, increased in both number and frequency, spreading further the virus and making the U.S. government the best COVID-19 response expert, Anthony Fauci, to warn the president is asking for trouble.

FP INSIDER’s COVID-19 INDEX outlines the main bottlenecks affecting global vaccine deployment and outlines actions governments are taking around the world to manage the current crisis. Learn more

Even after Trump and the first lady contracted COVID-19, a compelling emergency treatment that included, in the Trumps case, hospitalization at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center and round-the-clock treatment by an army of medics and nurses, the president refused to do so regularly. wears a mask. On the day of her hospital admission, Oct. 2, the United States had accumulated over 200,000 deaths in COVID-19 undercount, as are all U.S. COVID-19 numbers, but a point official data which would have more than doubled by January. 20 inauguration of Biden. According to a new Lancet Commission report compiled by an international team of leading scientists and public health leaders, about 40% of the number of COVID-19 deaths in the Americas during the Trump administration was unnecessary, which means that it could have been avoided with the non-medical interventions available.

By the time the election was held, Trump had been ignoring the pandemic, not attending any COVID-19 White House meeting for at least five months, since late May. Behind the scenes in the fall, the Trump administration lobbied vigorously on Congress to block the flow of funds to states for vaccine deployment efforts, leaving them unable to effectively deliver mass vaccinations.

And from election night on November 3, until the inauguration on January 20, Trump was totally obsessed with undoing Bidens’ victory. He stopped speaking to the press on December 8, held no public events after November 4, and made his last public appearance at a football match on December 12. According to White House schedules, Trump had few official meetings for days, left Washington for Mar-a-Lago on December 23, and only resurfaced on New Years Eve, when he delivered a video speech to the nation celebrating the Food and Drug Administration. emergency approval of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. On January 6, the president delivered his now infamous speech to supporters, urging them to march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol. From January 7 until his departure from the White House on the morning of January 20, Trump made a few public remarks, frustrated by his loss of access to social media. As his much-vaunted Operation Warp Speed ​​stuttered, unable to speed up vaccines in the arms of Americans, Trump remained silent. And the White House has become the COVID-19 powerhouse, with Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, four other White House staff, Housing and Urban Affairs Secretary Ben Carson and David Bossie designated chief of efforts to challenge the election, all infected. In keeping with the president’s mantra that COVID-19 wasn’t that bad, don’t let it take over your life, none of these people regularly wore face masks in the White House or on the trail. counting of elections.

So I bring the pandemicide charge against Trump for his inability to say or do anything to end the growing burden of infection and death across the United States from Election Day to his departure. of its functions. During a period when experts in his government warned that vacation travel and interactions during Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years could lead to a massive spread of the virus, and states were calling for help to distribute vaccines, Trump was quiet.

He ignored the November 3 pandemic, when 92,000 people were newly infected, bringing the nation’s cumulative total to 9.4 million and the death toll to 225,000.

He remained silent as more than a million Americans a day, over the four-day Thanksgiving weekend, flew in commercial planes and millions more traveled by other means to visit to families, despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s stay-at-home calls. . As of November 30, more than 13.5 million Americans have tested positive for COVID-19 and 259,000 have died.

As Christmas approaches, public health leaders have once again called on Americans to resist temptation, stay home and avoid family gatherings. By December 22, 18 million Americans had acquired COVID-19 and 314,000 had died from it. But the president has remained silent and, once again, millions of Americans have traveled and celebrated with friends and families.

As the new year approached, on December 31, the total number of cases was nearly 20 million, with 336,000 deaths. And yet Trump was silent.

As its insurgent crowd gathered on Capitol Hill, the number of cases exceeded 21 million, with 352,000 dead.

And by the time Trump boarded Marine One for his final taxpayer helicopter flight en route to Mar-a-Lago, 24 million Americans had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, killing nearly of 400,000 of them.

Between the election and the inauguration, the number of infected Americans more than doubled, from 9.4 million cases to 24 million, adding about 15 million cases, under Trumps’ watch, while he was resolved to reverse the victory of Bidens and AWOL on the pandemic front.

And in his absence from pandemic duty, his duty to protect the American people, 172,000 Americans have died, nearly doubling the death toll since polling day.

Republicans of course decided that Trump could not be impeached now that he was a private citizen. For a matter of formality, my appeal is therefore moot. But let history record that no sitting US president since April 30, 1789, when George Washington was sworn in on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, has willingly allowed such preventable carnage to take place. unfold on the American people.

Let history record that Donald Trump is guilty of the crime of pandemicide.

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