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Donald Trump hints at 2024 presidential race in first post-White House interview | World | News


The former president stepped down last month for Democrat Joe Biden, although Mr. Trump continues to claim the US election was “rigged.” After Mr. Trump’s acquittal by the Senate in last week’s impeachment trial, and after the death of conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh, the Republican broke his silence and spoke about his future in politics.

While declining to confirm whether he would run for president again, Mr Trump said he still enjoyed “huge support” from voters.

He told the right-wing Newsmax television station after being asked to introduce himself again: “I won’t say it yet, but we have huge support.

“And I’m looking at the poll numbers that are through the roof.

“Let’s say someone is kicked out, typically your numbers go down, they go down like a dead balloon.

“But the numbers are very good, they are very high.”

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A Morning Consult poll conducted for the Times showed how the former president still enjoys overwhelming support from Republican voters for a potential race in 2024.

The survey, conducted between February 14 and 15, sees 54% supporting Mr. Trump to represent the Republican Party in 2024.

Former Vice President Mike Pence is in second place with 12% support.

A previous poll from Jan. 8-11, shortly after the U.S. Capitol Riots, saw Mr. Trump with 42 percent support.

Mr Trump also informed Newsmax of his intention to start his own social media network, after being banned from Twitter.

Blowing up the social media giant, Mr Trump said “he’s not coming back to Twitter” and claimed “it’s gotten very boring.”

He added, “If you look at what’s going on on Twitter, I understand it’s gotten really boring and millions of people are leaving.”

He also suggested that smaller social media sites might be the place where it reappears online, and added, “Part of the problem is that mechanically they can’t handle it, it’s too many people. It’s much bigger than it is. “

Appearing on Fox News to pay tribute to Mr. Limbaugh, who died of lung cancer on February 17, Mr. Trump called the radio icon a “legend.”

He said, “There aren’t too many legends around. But he’s a legend.

“And these people who listen to it every day, it was like a religious experience for a lot of people.”

The President honored the radio personality with a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2020 in his latest State of the Union address.

The former president also claimed that Mr Limbaugh agreed with his entirely unsubstantiated claim that the 2020 election was ‘rigged’.

Speaking to One America News, he said the radio personality agreed with him on how Republicans “got robbed.”

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