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‘Gold Words Imrans, charter of the economy and eggs’



Former Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf threw the gauntlet on the treasury banks to offer more than the rhetoric of blaming previous governments for the country’s dismal economic situation.

The challenge came when Federal Energy Minister Omar Ayub, after giving the floor on Friday, blamed previous governments for all the ills in the economy with even greater force; and said the opposition was shedding crocodile tears.

The session of the National Assembly, convened at the request of the opposition parties, did not debate whether the chicken came first or the egg. However, Planning Minister Asad Umar called on the opposition to make the Treasury Banks understand why PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz said eggs are sold by the kilogram instead of the dozen.

Ashraf reiterated the “golden words” spoken by Prime Minister Imran Khan before coming to power and PML-N lawmaker Qaiser Ahmed Sheikh drew the attention of the treasury banks to the “Charter of the economy ”long forgotten, but governments’ response to all criticism from opposition parties was rhetoric and commentary on trivial matters.

Ashraf reminded the House of the promises Imran made to the people before he came to power, saying that “the people were fooled” because the PTI was doing the exact opposite of what it had promised. previous governments would no longer serve this purpose.

On a polite tone, Ashraf’s “have you ever heard that” speech mainly included statements made by Prime Minister Imran ahead of the 2018 election and how he failed to deliver what he promised.

He reminded the House that Prime Minister Imran used to say that he would rather kill himself than beg for money from other countries; but he did.

In his “Aap farmaya krtay thay [you used to say]Ashraf, while imitating the Prime Minister’s act of tearing up an electric bill in the 2014 sit-in by simply tearing up a piece of paper, asked NA President Asad Qaiser if he and his constituents should continue. to pay the bills in the face of the continuous increase in electricity prices.

The speaker clearly replied: “You should keep paying the bills.” He also spoke about the increase in circular debt, saying making allegations against the opposition would not move the government forward.

Sheikh, for his part, tried to shake the conscience of the government by explaining how the economy plunged in the first two years of the ruling party and how the revival of the economy through chickens, eggs, milk and buffaloes was an illusion.

Sheikh said the size of the economy was $ 320 billion in 2018 when PML-N left, and is now $ 290 billion after two and a half years in power at PTI.

The petroleum tax fell from 135 billion rupees to 275 billion rupees in the six-month comparison – from July to December 2019 to July to December 2020 – maintained Sheikh, adding opposition leader Shehbaz Sharif , PPP chairman Bilawal Bhutto and former president Asif Ali Zardari had asked the government to opt for an “economy charter”, but the government preferred Chor, Daku and a corrupt debate to that.

Sheikh said India gives 75% loans to manufacturers and 25% to small and medium enterprises; Bangladesh’s ratio is 82-18%, respectively, while Pakistan’s is 93-7%. He called on the government to move from imposing sales tax to increasing income tax.

The mother of all evil in the economy is the budget deficit, he said, adding that last year’s budget deficit was the highest in the country’s history: 3.5 trillion rupees, or nearly 8.5% of the country’s GDP. He predicted he would cross 4 trillion rupees this year.

For Sheikh, ending trade with India was one of the reasons inflation rose in the country, as Pakistan imported the same things through Iran, Afghanistan and Dubai. He admitted that corruption existed in the past but, contrary to the PTI slogan of completely eradicating corruption, corruption has increased in the country. For him, not giving annual increases was one of the reasons, as inflation has remained mostly in double digits for the past two years.

Ayub, meanwhile, continued to blame previous governments. He claimed that the Imran government had put an end to corruption because people used to bring briefcases to government offices, but not anymore. He went on to say that rival armies failed to do what previous governments had done in Pakistan, accusing them of deliberately making things difficult for the PTI government.

To all the critics, Asad Umar asked the opposition benches only one question: explain since when eggs were sold in kilos instead of tens. Qaiser adjourned the meeting with a smile until Monday.

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