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Did Biden reject the genocide of the Uyghurs during his town hall?


(Photograph by Sual Loeb / AFP / Getty Images.)

A item of New York Post accused President Joe Biden of ignoring human rights abuses and genocide in China and embracing cultural relativism to downplay concerns. The Headline: Biden Reduces Genocide of Uyghurs Within Different Chinese Standards.

The article is based on comments Biden made during a CNN Town Hall in Wisconsin Tuesday. The To post the article begins:

President Biden rejects genocide against the Uyghur people in China, calling mass internment a different standard despite the State Department’s response this month to atrocities in the camps, following reports of systemic rapes and torture.

The commander-in-chief made the remarks after being questioned at CNN town hall on Tuesday night about his recent conversation with his Chinese counterpart, beginning his response by relaying Xis the justification for the abuse.

This report is false. Biden did not begin his response with Xis justifying the abuse. Instead, Biden began by citing the moral imperative that the United States must condemn such abuses. He then explained his understanding of Xis’ motives To post qualified as a dismissal of Bidens and punctuated his remarks by reiterating his obligation as president to speak for American values. The initial exchange follows (and you can read the full transcript here):

CNN host Anderson Cooper: What about the Uyghurs? What about human rights violations in China?

BIDEN: The Uyghurs. We must stand up for human rights. This is who we are. We cannot comment on him was and I know him well, and he knows me well. We are a two hour conversation.

COOPER: Did you discuss this with him?

BIDEN: I mentioned it too.

And he’s not so much a refugee, but I spoke about it. I said look at the Chinese leadership, if you know anything about Chinese history, the time China fell victim to the outside world is when they are not unified at home.

So the main thing, to exaggerate it widely, Xi Jinping’s central tenet is that there must be a united and tightly controlled China. And he uses his justification for the things he does on that basis. I point out to him that no American president can be supported as president if he does not reflect the values ​​of the United States.

Author Emily Jacobs goes on to claim that Biden has proclaimed his intention to avoid exposing China’s abuses and assaults. She wrote: Biden continued in his response that he was not going to denounce the Chinese Communist Party’s belligerent actions in Hong Kong, against the Uyghurs, or in Taiwan.

In fact, Biden clearly conveyed the opposite meaning, suggesting that it was absurd to think he was remaining silent about China’s behavior.

After emphasizing his obligation to speak out against human rights violations and reflect US values, Biden said: And so the idea that I’m not going to speak out against what he’s doing in Hong Kong , what is he doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountains of China and Taiwan trying to end the one-China policy by making it forceful, I said in passing, he said he understood .

(A previous version of the article seems to have misrepresented Biden more blatantly, attributing the president something unsaid is to misinterpret the meaning of what Biden actually said. Compare the exact transcription and verbatim above to the original inaccurate version here: And so the idea is that I am not going to denounce what he is doing in Hong Kong, what he is doing with the Uyghurs in the western mountains of China and Taiwan trying to end the one China policy by making it forceful [Xi] gets it.)

The To post The article also falsely claims that Biden bypassed a question from Anderson Cooper about whether China will suffer repercussions for its human rights violations.

In fact, Biden explicitly and unreservedly promised repercussions for human rights violations in China. The exchange:

COOPER: When you talk to him about human rights violations, is that fair to the United States? Or are there real repercussions for China?

BIDEN: Well, there will be repercussions for China. And he knows it.

What I am doing is making it clear that in fact we will continue to reaffirm our role as spokespersons for human rights at the UN and in other agencies that impact their attitude. China is trying very hard to become the world leader and get this nickname. And in order to do that, they have to gain the trust of other countries.

And as long as they are engaged in activities that are contrary to basic human rights, it will be difficult for them to do so. But it’s much more complicated than that. I shouldn’t try to talk about Chinese politics in 10 minutes on TV here.

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