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When & where to watch Peshawar Zalmi Vs Multan Sultans, Pakistan Super League Match


After suffering similar defeats in their respective first matches, Peshawar Zalmi now hosts Multan Sultans in the fifth match of the 2021 Pakistan Super League (PSL) in Lahore today. (More cricket news)

Zalmi, arguably the most consistent squad in PSL history, lost to last season’s finalists Lahore Qalanders by four wickets on Sunday after posting 140/6, batting first. Skipper Wahab Riaz and Saqib Mahmood took two wickets each, but defending 140 has always been tricky. And they met Pakistani veteran Mohammad Hafeez and Afghan star Rashid Khan. The 2017 winners are hoping for a better show from their drummers, especially forerunners Imam-ul-Haq and Kamran Akmal, tonight. Shoaib Malik and Ravi Bopara, who scored 26 and 50 in their opener, will be confident to score big.

The Sultans also lost similarly, failing to defend a modest total against two-time champion Islamabad United in their opener on Sunday. Despite a 71 of 53 balls in the top of the sleeves, United only managed 150/8. Their two big foreign rookies Chris Lynn and James Vince failed to make an impact even as veteran Shahid Afridi came out for a first ball duck. Carlos Brathwaite hit a 14-ball 22 but the Windies heavy hitter ran out of deliveries. Then they were stunned by the rearguard actions of Lewis Gregory (49) and Faheem Ashraf (22). Afridi, who failed with the ball, however, took two wickets for figures of 2/24.

Check out the match and broadcast details here:

Match: Pakistani Super League 2021 game 5 between Peshawar Zalmi and Multan Sultans Date: February 23 (Tuesday), 2021 Time: 7:30 p.m. IST / 7:00 p.m. local Location: National Stadium, Karachi

TV channels: Sony Six / HDLive broadcast: SonyLiv

Playing XIs in the last match:

Peshawar Zalmi: Kamran Akmal (wk), Imam-ul-Haq, Haider Ali, Shoaib Malik, Ravi Bopara, Sherfane Rutherford, Amad Butt, Wahab Riaz (c), Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Saqib Mahmood, Mohammad Imran

Multan Sultans: Mohammad Rizwan (c & wk), Chris Lynn, James Vince, Sohaib Maqsood, Rilee Rossouw, Khushdil Shah, Shahid Afridi, Carlos Brathwaite, Sohail Tanvir, Mohammad Umar, Sohaibullah.

Probable XI:

Peshawar Zalmi: Imam-ul-Haq, Kamran Akmal (sem.), Shoaib Malik, Haider Ali, Ravi Bopara, Sherfane Rutherford, Amad Butt, Wahab Riaz (c), Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Saqib Mahmood, Mohammad Imran.

Multan Sultans: Mohammad Rizwan (c & wk), Chris Lynn, James Vince, Sohaib Maqsood, Rilee Roussouw, Khusdil Shah, Shahid Afridi, Carlos Brathwaite, Sohail Tanvir, Mohammad Umar, Sohaibullah.


Peshawar Zalmi: Imam-ul-Haq, Kamran Akmal (week), Shoaib Malik, Haider Ali, Ravi Bopara, Sherfane Rutherford, Amad Butt, Wahab Riaz (c), Mujeeb Ur Rahman, Saqib Mahmood, Mohammad Imran, David Miller, Mohammad Irfan, Umaid Asif, Tom Kohler-Cadmore, Abrar Ahmed, Waqar Salamkheil, Mohammad Aamir Khan, Mohammad Imran.

Multan Sultans: Mohammad Rizwan (c & wk), Chris Lynn, James Vince, Rilee Rossouw, Sohaib Maqsood, Khushdil Shah, Carlos Brathwaite, Shahid Afridi, Sohail Tanvir, Mohammad Umar, Sohaibullah, Sohail Khan, Adam Lyth, Imran Tahir, Usman Qadir, Imran Khan, Shan Masood, Shahnawaz Dhani.

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