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Jokowi’s new management on Corona management


Jakarta: President Joko Widodo has given a number of new directions related to the acceleration of the handling of the corona virus (covid-19). Any acceleration of the working group that manages the corona virus must be agile.

The new directive was revealed by a government spokesperson for the management of the corona virus Achmad Yurianto. He explained directions from examining samples to distributing aid.

“All the elements of the working group to speed up the management of the crown for central and regional governments must be solid,” said Yurianto, Saturday April 18, 2020.

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The head of state also repeatedly stressed that the work on handling the corona virus was accelerated. He didn’t want people to just accept the promises.

“I went down yesterday, I saw that the needs were expected by the community. Do not look down when we are only talking but the goods do not reach the people,” said Jokowi at the State Palace, in the central Jakarta, Monday, April 13.

(Read: Six Jokowi guidelines for Corona)

Following Jokowi’s direction:

1. Expand the test example

Jokowi orders the regional manager to replicate the corona virus test (covid-19). The test was aimed at reducing the spread of the virus, which was first discovered in Wuhan, China.

“I submit to the local government to massively increase the test sample,” said Jokowi in Jakarta, Saturday April 18, 2020.

He also ordered the local government to aggressively monitor the travel records and physical contacts of its citizens. The regional government, said Jokowi, must also continue to promote tight isolation.

(Read: Jokowi orders Corona test in large areas)

2. Online consultation

Jokowi asked the public to use the online app to get the maximum checkup. The central government works with a number of online platforms for free consultation.

The closed hospital includes Halodoc and Sehatpedia. The online consultation application is supported by more than 20,000 certified and experienced doctors.

(Read: Jokowi asks residents to use “hospital without walls”)

“It has not been widely revealed that we have a hospital without walls, without telemedicine. It is fine if it can be dispensed,” Jokowi said at the State Palace in central Jakarta on Monday 13 April 2020.

Online verification can also minimize transmission. Because patients and doctors do not meet.

3. Effective in communication

Yurianto said Jokowi had ordered the task force responsible for preventing and managing corona viruses to need a single collection. This is to avoid creating confusion in the community.

Previously, Jokowi ordered the integration of data related to co-19. All data from local government, ministries and the working group must be identical.

(Read: Jokowi ‘Sentil’ Data Covid-19 Different)

Data relating to the number of people under surveillance (ODP), patients under surveillance (PDP), positive patients, until death. The data also relate to the number of residents who performed a rapid test or a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test.

“Everything must be available and the results are open so that everyone can access this data correctly,” Jokowi said during a limited meeting at the State Palace in central Jakarta on Monday, April 13, 2020.

4. Prevent Corona Hoaks

President Jokowi also saw that there were still many hoaks around the crown. Hoaks are broadcast on various online media platforms.

Yurianto said Jokowi wanted government, officials and the community to work together to eliminate the hoaks. This is how hoaks can be contained.

(Read: 893 Corona spreading accounts blocked)

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) has recorded 554 hoaxes or hoaxes online on the Corona virus. Hoaks has circulated in 1,209 accounts on social networks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.

“We invite and request again the digital platform to be more active in this withdrawal process. We will certainly refer to the ITE law and other related laws,” said the Minister of Communication and Information, Johnny G Plate, Saturday April 18, 2020.

5. Logistics distribution must be up to date

Yurianto said that Jokowi had ordered that logistics distribution be checked without problem by all parties. He did not want to see any gaps in this area.

The head of state ordered Interior Minister Tito Karnavian to remind regional leaders to ensure the availability of basic products in their respective regions. He did not want to hear the scarcity of basic foodstuffs during the corona pandemic.

“We are reminded to maintain the availability of basic products, to make future estimates so that they can ensure that there is no shortage of basic products and that prices remain affordable,” said Jokowi.

6. Timely distribution of aid

Jokowi ordered delivery of the aid quickly and as planned. He wants the community to get help immediately, especially in times of economic hardship right now.

“I ask that this week everything works. It was very urgent, both with regard to the pre-employment card, the Family Hope program, direct social assistance and food parcels,” Jokowi told the Palais. State, in central Jakarta, Monday, April 13, 2020.

(Read: Jokowi Orders Relief Distribution To Residents Affected By Corona This Week)

The government has disbursed 405.1 billion rupees from the 2020 state budget to manage co-19. Details, Rp70.1 trillion for tax incentives and incentives for business credit, Rp75 trillion in the health sector, Rp110 trillion for social protection and Rp150 trillion for the national economic recovery program.

Jokowi also ordered all ministries / institutions and local governments to reallocate the budget to speed up the processing of the crown. He asked for funds that were not immediately diverted to manage the crown.