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How to wash your hands, 5 myths about preventing Corona Covid-19


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-> – How to wash your hands, 5 myths about preventing Corona Covid-19

President Joko Widodo explains how to wash your hands properly and correctly to prevent the Corona Covid-19 virus. Like what?

There is also a collection of myths about preventing the Corona Covid-19 virus that have been proven to be false.

Everything is summarized in interesting health news today, Thursday (03/05/2020).

1. Notify Corona Covid-19, Jokowi Examples of proper hand washing, follow!

President Joko Widodo delivered a press conference on the corona covid-19 virus at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (2/3). (BETWEEN PHOTOS / Sigid Kurniawan)
President Joko Widodo delivered a press conference on the corona covid-19 virus at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, Monday (2/3). (BETWEEN PHOTOS / Sigid Kurniawan)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) appeared to the public to appeal for ways to prevent the Covid-19 corona virus while illustrating a correct and appropriate handwashing style.

Through a 2: 1 second video uploaded to the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube account on Thursday (5/3/2020), President Jokowi shows how to wash your hands to avoid exposure to the latest type of corona virus.

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2. Don't believe these 5 myths about preventing the Corona Covid-19 virus!

Corona Covid-19 virus. (Shutterstock)
Corona Covid-19 virus. (Shutterstock)

Epidemics of Covid-19 corona virus continue to increase outside of China. This condition also worries the public and takes all kinds of preventive measures.

Unfortunately, this situation actually generates a lot of information relating to the Covid-19 corona virus which does not correspond to the facts. The World Health Organization (WHO) also calls for information on preventing misinformation.

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3. Proposed company There is a free certificate Corona Covid-19, Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia: Troubled!

Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Achmad Yurianto during a media teleconference in Jakarta ( Lilis Varwati)
Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Achmad Yurianto during a media teleconference in Jakarta ( Lilis Varwati)

The Indonesian Ministry of Health has pointed out that the company's proposal regarding the need for a Covid-19 crownless certificate was incorrect. In addition, a person who can be declared crownless must be based on the results of laboratory tests.

(incorporated) (/ incorporated)

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4. Corona Covid-19 Update: 53,668 people healed, victims died 3,285 people

Corona Covid-19 virus. (Shutterstock)
Corona Covid-19 virus. (Shutterstock)

The case of Covid-19 corona virus infection is increasingly common. The virus is said to have infected 84 countries, including the center of its spread, China.

The page to take notes real time Thursday (5/3/2020) until 8:45 a.m. WIB, cases of infection worldwide reached 95,481, with a total number of deaths reaching 3,285 people. The good news, for the patients who recovered, reached 53,668 people.

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5. Hair loss, try to consume these foods

Sardine, source of omega 3. (Shutterstock)
Sardine, source of omega 3. (Shutterstock)

Hair loss is indeed a common thing, especially among women. But do not worry. In fact, most people lose about 50 to 100 strands of hair every day without realizing it.

The hair becomes an easily visible part of the body. Therefore, it is natural that hair loss can reduce self-confidence.

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