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Corrupt elements united to escape punishment: PM



Prime Minister Imran Khan said on Sunday that a small minority of corrupt elements had united to evade the law.

“The government cannot fight against the mafias alone. We cannot eliminate corruption without the support of the judiciary,” he added.

The Prime Minister’s remarks came as he answered a live caller in a phone session.

He answers calls from citizens on the number 051-9224900.

“We asked Nawaz Sharif to submit a bond, but the courts sent him abroad,” the prime minister noted.

He noted that those who plunder the country are covered in petals following their conviction by the NAB courts.

“People like us are trying to bring things like this under the law,” he said.

“We must change the collective mindset to end corruption in Pakistan once and for all.”

Prime Minister Imran added that Pakistan’s struggle was for the rule of law.

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Regarding the third wave of Covid-19, the Prime Minister has ruled out a full lockdown, but has assured some restrictions.

Seeing that people “wandered without fear”, he feared that this would put pressure on hospitals.

Speaking to another interlocutor, he said that the rise in the price of sugar was due to corrupt practices of the sugar mafia.

Responding to a caller regarding the increase in incidents of child sexual abuse, he said: “This is a direct result of the increase in shamelessness in any country. Obscenity always has its mark. impact on a society. “

“Islam sets the rules for modesty for a reason,” he argued.

He urged filmmakers to pay attention to the issue and develop content to counter the threat.

To another question, the Prime Minister said: “The Qabza mafia is the greatest scourge for this country. Such a mafia is in collusion with the government to carry out its designs.”

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“We have succeeded in freeing the land worth Rs 450 billion from these elements.”

The prime minister has made it clear that he will take no action to normalize relations with India unless he steps back from depriving occupied Kashmir of its autonomous status.

“Trust me, I will never take any action that would undermine Kashmir,” he said.

Responding to a caller, he said, “I will take steps to ensure that essentials are within the reach of the masses during Ramazan.”

Earlier in February, the Prime Minister interacted with the public by telephone to address their concerns.

It was the very first direct telephone interaction between Prime Minister Imran and the general public since he became head of government in 2018.

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