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EU-China relations take ‘sharp turn’ for worse after ‘tit-for-tat’ sanctions


05 Apr 2021 22:30 IS

Brussels [Belgium], April 5 (ANI): Relations between the European Union and China have taken a “sudden turn for the worse”, due to the tit-for-tat sanctions imposed by Beijing and Brussels.
Brussels last week announced sanctions against officials implicated in China’s blatant human rights violations against its ethnic Uyghur minority in its northwestern region of Xinjiang. Beijing retaliated with its own sanctions against 10 people from the EU and four entities, including five members of the European Parliament, or MEPs.
According to Voice of America (VOA), while US-China relations have deteriorated in recent years, European countries have enjoyed a much smoother ride. After years of negotiations, Beijing and Brussels finally reached an agreement to liberalize trade between them in the last days of December.
“The breakthrough was made possible thanks to last-minute concessions from Chinese President Xi Jinping and pressure from German officials. The deal, which remains subject to the approval of the European Parliament, would guarantee European investors better access to the Chinese market. growing. and can compete on a level playing field in this country, ”VOA reported.
“These are the first EU sanctions against China on human rights issues since the Tiananmen Square incident in 1989,” said Grzegorz Stec, expert at the Mercator Institute for China Studies in Germany , one of the four entities sanctioned by China.

Stec told VOA that the EU had imposed sanctions on China for other reasons, including a ruling against two Chinese for cyberattacks last year. But this time, he said, “the EU made it clear that this was due to the human rights issue. China clearly regards this issue as China’s internal affair, and against them. – China’s measures are unprecedented. “
Among those sanctioned by China are five MEPs, Raphael Glucksmann, a French MEP and longtime French human rights defender, said he considered the Chinese action, which includes a ban on sex. return to the country, as a recognition of his advocacy for the rights of Uyghurs. . After his election in 2019, Glucksmann was widely quoted as saying his goal was to become “the voice of the voiceless”.
“Fortunately, we’ve been working hard to bring public attention to this issue, which is why they (China) are mad at me,” Glucksmann told VOA.
China’s investment deal with Europe is in tatters as major parties in the European Parliament consider not supporting the trade deal after Beijing imposed sanctions on EU officials.
China has been broadly reprimanded for cracking down on Uyghur Muslims by sending them to mass detention camps, interfering in their religious activities and sending community members to undergo some form of re-education or forced indoctrination .
Beijing, on the other hand, has vehemently denied being engaged in human rights abuses against Uyghurs in Xinjiang, while reports from journalists, NGOs and former detainees have surfaced, highlighting the Chinese Communist Party’s brutal crackdown on ethnic community, report says. (ANI)

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