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China Says Poverty Reduction Still High on Xi’s Work Agenda


A village in the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Ethnic Autonomous Prefecture, in Hunan province (central China), March 4, 2021. / CFP

A village in the Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Ethnic Autonomous Prefecture, in Hunan province (central China), March 4, 2021. / CFP

Poverty reduction is not only a solemn commitment made by the Chinese government to the people, but also a priority of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s work program, government officials told reporters on Tuesday.

The remarks were made at a press conference in which the Information Office of the State Council of China released a white paper titled “Poverty Reduction: China’s Experience and Contribution” to present China’s achievements and efforts to complete the task.

According to the white paper, the CPC Central Committee, with Comrade Xi at its heart, takes as its objective the people’s desire for a better life and is committed to realizing the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation and securing a decisive victory in the country. building of a moderately prosperous country. the company in all respects.

President Xi has devoted much of his energy to poverty reduction and presented a series of important ideas, proposals and policy decisions to achieve it.

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The 18th CPC National Congress in 2012 set a goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. Shortly thereafter, Xi said, “To achieve initial prosperity in the countryside, it is essential to raise the standard of living in rural areas and especially the poor villagers.”

Launching the campaign against poverty in the new era, he also stressed: “No poor region and no poor person should be left behind in achieving this goal.”

In 2013, during his inspection tour of Shibadong Village, Huayuan County, Hunan Province, Xi first proposed the concept of “giving differentiated guidance for targeted poverty reduction based on conditions. local people by seeking the truth from the facts ”.

In 2014, while attending the deliberation session of the Guizhou delegation at the second plenary session of the 12th National People’s Congress, Xi said, real poor. Poverty reduction must reach those who really need it, and poverty must be totally eradicated. “

In 2015, at the National Development-Focused Poverty Reduction Conference, he shouted into battle: “We must be determined, dedicate ourselves and work hard to achieve this goal.”

In 2017, in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi stressed the need to mobilize the energies of the whole Party, the whole country and the whole of society to win the battle against extreme poverty. and eradicate it.

“Bringing the poor and poor areas into a moderately prosperous society with the rest of the country is a solemn promise made by our Party. We must win the battle against poverty, ”Xi said.

In 2020, in the face of the sudden COVID-19 attack, Xi drew up new mobilization plans at a poverty reduction seminar, stressing that lifting the rural poor out of poverty “must be achieved as planned”.

“It is not negotiable. It is an uphill battle with no way to fall back. We must redouble our efforts until the last minute. We must not stop, slack off or be careless,” stressed Mr. Xi.

In addition, Xi also took the lead, made plans, and led the battle in person. He participated in the National Conference on Poverty Reduction through Development, chaired seven seminars on poverty eradication and made more than 50 fact-finding trips.

In each of the past five years, he has reviewed the evaluation reports of poverty reduction work. In each of the past seven years, he has attended important events or issued guidelines on National Anti-Poverty Day and laid out the idea in his New Year’s speech.

In each of the past eight years, he has discussed poverty reduction plans with delegates at both sessions and wrote letters encouraging local leaders and communities to join the big fight.

According to the white paper, Xi visited each of the 14 contiguous poor areas across the country and more than 20 poor villages, and sat in the homes of poor households to hear their difficulties, suggestions and needs, boosting their confidence and determination. , and their belief that they can lift themselves out of poverty.

It was with such efforts that China, under the leadership of the CCP, completed the arduous task of eradicating extreme poverty on February 25, 2021, 10 years ahead of schedule, and left another achievement. exceptional in history.

(With contribution from Xinhua)

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