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Boris Johnson accused of ‘half-lockdown’ as rules ‘continue after June’


Boris slammed for 'half-lock' as rules continue

The government started making plans for twice-weekly tests and passports for coronavirus vaccines yesterday (Photo: Getty Images)

Boris Johnson has been criticized for instilling Project Fear into the public by constantly threatening lockdown with his future coronavirus rules.

Former Conservative Party leader Sir Iain Duncan-Smith says the country will be left in a semi-lockdown even after restrictions are supposed to be completely lifted on June 21.

Sir Iain told MailOnline: We were told the vaccine was the solution, no ifs, no buts. We can see from the data that the vaccine is working better than anyone expected, but now scientists say the real problem is the variants or a third wave.

They want to continue with Project Fear because they have the control they have, and the ministers have ceded to them.

The result is that we are heading towards a hellish half-lockdown, where we have to be tested all the time, carry a vaccine passport everywhere, and be under the constant threat of being locked up again.

The Prime Minister has started making plans for a controversial vaccine passport program called Covid Status Certification and has said this is an important way forward for England.

He said at a press conference in Downing Street yesterday: I think the most important thing to say to anyone who listens and watches is that there is absolutely no question of asking people to produce a certification. or a report on the state of Covid when they go to stores or the garden pub or hairdressers or whatever on Mondays.

He stressed that the program would not be operational for the second stage of the easing of the lockdown next Monday, or for the third stage on May 17, when indoor reception sites are expected to open.

A police health officer prepares a dose of AstraZeneca Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine on the first day of the state government vaccination for police officers, at the Barro Branco Military Police Academy in Sao Paulo, Brazil, April 5, 2021. REUTERS / Amanda Perobelli

Government scientists have warned that a third wave of Covid-19 infections will most likely reach the UK (Photo: Reuters)

Therefore, any Covid-19 vaccine passport project will not be available until the summer, the final unlock date of June 21 at the earliest.

Mr Johnson explained that ministers were considering three factors to be included as part of the certification system if a person had received the vaccine, had tested positive for Covid-19 antibodies and had recently tested negative for the virus.

It comes as government scientists have warned that a third wave of Covid-19 infections is currently being seen in several countries in Europe. is very likely to reach the UK.

SAGE experts and a number of journals published yesterday cast doubt on whether Freedom Day on June 21 could go as planned.

Still, Mr Johnson has decided to reassure the country that England can take the next step in easing the lockdown on Monday, which will see the reopening of non-essential stores, gyms and hairdressers, and pubs and restaurants will be able to serve customers outside.

He said: On Monday April 12 I will go to the pub myself and carefully but irreversibly bring a pint of beer to my lips. We have defined our roadmap and we are sticking to it. We see nothing in the current data that makes us think we will need to deviate from this roadmap.

A document suggested that basic measures against Covid-19 such as social distancing and masks should remain in place until this time next year.

He also said that the reopening of pubs, cinemas and indoor hospitality, scheduled for May 17, could be delayed if the vaccination rate among those under 50 falls below 85%.

Mr Johnson would also not give the green light for international travel to resume on May 17, adding that plans are not there yet and it is too early to start booking vacations.

All adults in England will also be offered two lateral flow tests per week to aid in lockdown measurements.

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