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Anne Frank’s stepsister Eva Schloss says Trump reminded her of Hitler


Eva Schloss, Anne Frank’s half-sister and 91-year-old Holocaust survivor, told the Daily Beast in an interview published Thursday that there were notable parallels between former President Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler.

You know, he’s said so many silly things, Schloss told The Daily Beast. I compared him to Hitler. I even heard that he studied Hitler’s speeches and things like that, so he obviously admired Hitler and just copied him with his anti-Semitism. Muslims are also hated. This is what is wrong with the white supremacy of our society. We must all treat each other equally.

Schloss also acknowledged an upsurge in anti-Semitic hatred that occurred during Trump’s presidency: in 2019, 2,107 anti-Semitic crimes were committed in the United States, the highest number since the Anti-Defamation League began tracking such attacks in 1979. in Poway, California, one was killed and three injured.

Critics of Trump argued at the time that he should speak out against anti-Semitism instead of claiming that any Jewish person who votes Democratic was disloyal to Israel, which he said in August 2019.

Trump was not just against Jews, he was against Mexicans and many others, Schloss said. Period, he was a racist. Her son-in-law is Jewish and her daughter converted to Judaism.

Schloss, who was born in Vienna and lived in the same apartment building as Anne Frank before her mother married Frank’s father, now lives in London and has spoken publicly about her experiences with the Holocaust as well as the anti-Semitism since 1986.

Asked about Representatives Madison Cawthorn (RN.C.), who visited Hitler’s Nazi retreat while on vacation, and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Who once accused the Jewish people of starting the fires of forest in California in 2018 with space lasers, Schloss said prejudices and conspiracy theories against Jews were unfortunately nothing new and would persist though other groups, such as African Americans and Asians. , also suffer from racial attacks.

There was only one human race of different colors, different religions, different opinions, but all human beings should have the same opportunities and be measured in the same way. … We need to shake hands with anyone who is racist against anyone and try to change people’s attitudes.

Read the full interview here.

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