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‘It’s time for women to be one’: We wish Shireen Mazari would follow her own advice – Commentary


Women’s clothing has become a hot topic in recent days and everyone from our Prime Minister to our Minister of Human Rights has an opinion.

Of course, while we weren’t very happy with Prime Minister Imran Khan’s stance, we have to applaud Federal Human Rights Minister Shireen Mazari for a tweet she posted about respecting the dress choice of women. women. But it’s a two-part story, and while we applaud it in part one, we sigh in dismay in part two.

Part i

“Absolutely reject anyone, especially a woman, ridiculing or insulting a woman over her choice of dress,” she wrote on Twitter. “Arrogance to assume what may be the idea of ​​another woman from Pakistan! Muslim women are denied the right to dress as they wish in Europe, let’s not deny our women the right to choose their outfit clothing.”

She was responding to another muffled tweet from Sara Taseer who wouldn’t trust some women to pick what she has for lunch, let alone vote to elect the country’s next leader. She tweeted a photo of women dressed in burqas and captioned it “ Reject Pinkys Pakistan ”. She of course refers to the First Lady, who chooses to wear a burqa.

Mazari, the Frankish minister, is absolutely right to call Taseer. Ridiculing someone about their choice of dress is a shameful and downright sticky thing to do, but we doubt what she said will get to Taseer.

Many people in this country seem to have an obsession with the clothes of the First Lady. They find them “ too much ” and even said on Twitter that she could be an embarrassment for the country if she represents us abroad. But why are her clothes important?

Let’s not forget, feminism means allowing women to dress as they please. This means that a woman has the right to wear a burqa just as much as she has the right to wear jeans. Making fun of how someone chooses to dress, especially when it relates to their religious beliefs, is foolish to say the least. Our national concern about the First Lady’s clothing must end. She has the right to wear what she wants, just as we have the right to wear what we want.

Taseer’s tweet comes days after France approved a bill that denies women under 18 the right to wear a hijab. Whatever your religious inclinations, it is wrong to deny someone the right to wear what they want.

We are very happy that Mazari called Taseer. We should not deny any woman the right to dress as she wishes.

Part II

Here is the second part of this story, where the Minister just then continues in a second tweet and says she is tired of blaming / humiliating the victim. However, we noticed that she was rather silent when the head of her government linked vulgarity to rape and the world called her out for it.

She said nothing about the Prime Minister’s comments and how they could also be interpreted as victim blame or how to link “ vulgarity ”, but it could be defined as rape simplifies to the extreme crime and give rapists an out. He puts the onus of staying safe and away from the “tempted” men on the victims.

The generally vocal minister turned a blind eye to the controversy, although it was reported in the international press. But then she has a bad track record when it comes to calling her own government. We love you for your voice, Minister, but we want you to use your voice to denounce injustices and bad practices in your own ranks.

You cannot have your cake and eat it, Ms. Mazari. You can’t call someone up for something your government has been guilty of and pretend it has nothing to do with you. And calling on law enforcement to enforce the laws is laughable. You are the government. You have the power to do more than tweet.

So yes, Shireen Mazari, it’s time for women of all shades to unite. We are fed up with the blame / shame of victims, misogyny, gender-based violence and child abuse. We are also fed up with men who gesticulate and use public spaces to relieve themselves (of their unwanted and unwarranted opinions). The laws are all there, the police should do their job. Enough is enough.

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