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Prime Minister Imran Khan stresses need for renewed international cooperation on climate change


Prime Minister Imran Khan stressed the need for “renewed international cooperation and partnership” to tackle climate change in a letter to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation co-chair Bill Gates.

Prime Minister Imran Khan, in his letter dated April 6, says he has read Gates’ book, Avoiding Climate Catastrophe, and found it convincing.

I found it very interesting because it provides “policy-oriented analysis on the critical issue of climate change challenges facing the global community,” the Prime Minister said.

The Prime Minister referred to Pakistan’s efforts in this regard, saying his government “has already taken steps to counter the impact of climate change through various policy initiatives.”

Pakistan ‘on the front line’, but ‘very weak contributor’ to the crisis

He said Pakistan is a country “on the front line” of the climate emergency as it is ranked among those continually affected by climate change over the past two decades.

“The impacts of changing monsoons, abnormal weather events, melting Himalayan glaciers and rising sea levels exacerbate our vulnerability,” the letter read.

He states that despite this fact, Pakistan is a “very small contributor” to global greenhouse gas emissions adding “less than 1%”.

“However, as a rapidly developing country, we seek to make progress on climate-sensitive economic growth that is contingent on stronger international cooperation and partnership,” Prime Minister Imran Khan said.

He said his government, in this spirit, is therefore “committed to bringing climate solutions to the world by focusing on nature-based solutions, towards a climate-compatible growth path.”

Actions on the ground to fight against climate change

Prime Minister Imran Khan said that Pakistan, as a signatory to the Paris Agreement, while continuing to work with the international community for its implementation, is also focusing on translating the country’s own vision into actions on the ground.

“Following our successful planting of billions of trees in KP province from 2014 to 2018, we commit to planting an additional 10 billion trees across the country, including the restoration of over one million hectares of degraded forests and the expansion of protected areas, ”the Prime Minister said. at Gates.

The Prime Minister said these initiatives have shown that they not only protect nature and restore ecosystems to fight climate change, but also develop ecotourism and create thousands of green jobs for young people. and local communities.

Switch to clean energy

He said Pakistan was also determined to switch to clean, low-carbon energy and planned to shift 60% of energy to clean sources by 2030.

This will lead to “a major expansion of solar, wind and hydro power generation in the country.”

Prime Minister Imran Khan said his government had recently put aside two coal projects that had already been negotiated financially, replacing them with the inclusion of hydropower plants “demonstrating our strong political commitment”.

“Pakistan is also in the process of transitioning its transport sector, targeting 30% of electric vehicles by 2030,” he added.

‘Nature leaves us no choice’

The Prime Minister said Pakistan is forced to adapt to climate change at the rate its effects are being seen.

“On this front, nature does not offer us a choice. We must invest our depleted economic resources in building early warning systems, rapidly deploying climate-smart agriculture as well as improving the efficiency of our depleted and depleted freshwater resources. are increasingly unpredictable ”. wrote the premier.

Speaking to Gates, Prime Minister Imran Khan said that given his keen interest in climate change, “a results-oriented dialogue and collaboration between our team of experts can mutually contribute to advancing our shared vision. “.

“This could include the development of partnerships for access and deployment of the best available technologies for clean energy and electric vehicles as well as cooperation for climate resilient agriculture,” said the Prime Minister.

Referring to Gates’ book on climate change, he said: “As you rightly point out in your book, the challenge of climate change is one that requires large-scale collaboration, trusting cooperation and understanding. shared green vision for development across countries. “

“I believe the world has no choice but to follow this path and define a new development paradigm for the 21st century through renewed international cooperation and partnership,” Prime Minister Imran Khan concluded.

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