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PTI wants fair and transparent elections in the future


ISLAMABAD – The Pakistani government Tehrik-e-Insaaf (PTI) is committed to keeping its promises and will especially ensure that the electoral process is reorganized before the next general elections so that no one, including rival political parties, can point the finger at the legitimacy and fairness of future elections.

“The PTI government is paying close attention to electoral reforms and will ensure that the system is fine-tuned and all loopholes are removed before the next elections,” said National Assembly Deputy Speaker Qasim Khan Suri, in an exclusive interview with The Nation.

Responding to a question about why the PTI government wants reforms before the elections, Suri said that “free and fair elections are essential for democracy to thrive.”

Suri said efforts to form a special committee for electoral reforms were currently underway, but that “the process would be definitively completed before the next general election in 2023”.

He added that the leaders of the PPP have expressed their will in this regard and that other political parties should also come forward and make their contribution.

He also said that electronic voting machines are used in many countries, especially developed countries, and they have made the voting process transparent and easy. “We must also move in this direction and ensure the transparency of the elections.”

Commenting on electoral reforms following the Senate elections and the defeat of government candidate Hafeez Sheikh in Senate polls, he said Prime Minister Imran Khan, in his cricket career, was the first player to be heard the voice of a neutral arbiter.

He said that in this whole scenario, Imran Khan is voicing the cause for electoral reforms and has pledged to end the buying and selling of votes in elections. He (PM) wanted senatorial elections by show of hands while being honest with his respective political party and his ideology.

In this regard, the PTI also proposed the Supreme Court which instructed the Election Commission of Pakistan to create a mechanism to determine the loyalty of parliamentarians in senatorial elections, he added.

Commenting on the mechanism of production orders, Qasim Khan Suri said that the Speaker of the National Assembly has the mandate to ensure the presence of any parliamentarian by production order.

He said it was the president’s prerogative and that mandate could not be exercised by either the president or the prime minister. Sometimes opposition members use pressure tactics to issue production orders, but the final decision is made by the speaker.

Commenting on the Prime Minister’s presence at sessions of parliament, the Vice President said that on the first day, when Prime Minister Imran Khan was elected Prime Minister, was prevented from delivering his first speech by opposition benches. How is it possible that a Prime Minister was prevented from delivering his speech, it is not a positive democratic tradition. “So, in my opinion, the opposition should give the opportunity to listen and raise their issues in a democratic way,” he said.

He said that the arrival of the Prime Minister in the House was important and that in this regard the opposition did not cooperate to ensure the presence of the Prime Minister in parliament. He said that even the prime minister himself offered to come to parliament and also listen to the opposition, but most of the time the opposition boycotted the session before the prime minister’s speech.

He also added that the opposition used to chant slogans and boo and cry when the prime minister arrived, which is not a positive democratic tradition.

In response to a question, he said that Parliament is the main legislative institution in the country and that all political parties should unite in the public interest. He said that all political parties instead of following their respective programs should unite on a national program for the stability of parliament.

The vice president said the majority of parliamentarians are young as 104 new parliamentarians including four women are those who came to parliament for the first time.

In the current parliament of various constituencies across the country, people voted young parliamentarians leaving out conventional and traditional politics, Qasim Khan Suri said.

Speaking about the session days in a calendar year and the respective legislation, Suri said it was written into the constitution that sessions of parliament should be held for 130 days per year and that during the PTI government, this responsibility of 130 days is being filled to lead the sessions of the National Assembly.

Following the coronavirus pandemic, it was also decided to organize sessions of the parliament with a reduced number of parliamentarians up to 25% with rotation so that each political party attends the sessions of the House and ensures a good distance to the Assembly for sitting arrangements for parliament.

Vice President Suri also said that from 2018 to 21, 50 resolutions were approved by the parliament and the private members’ bills presented in this regard are 202, while the bills presented by the government are 80 and the total of bills approved in this regard by part of the government and the backbenchers are 60, so a total of 60 legislations were adopted during this period.

While the acts of parliament approved by both chambers are 148, the vice president said.

He also said that the session of Parliament proceeds systematically, as this office has been entrusted to us to carry out our responsibilities with dedication and commitment. We follow all respective rules to conduct sessions of parliament in accordance with constitutional instructions and procedures.

Commenting on the future of the PDM, he said that from day one, the PTI has fought against those political parties that are part of politics in pursuit of their benefits at the expense of public interests.

He said the majority of politicians were part of the PDM, Maulana Fazlur Rehman and others used to protect their personal interests after coming to power.

He said Maulana Fazlur Rehman remains committed to being part of every government to secure its goals and interests. He said the public was well aware of their basic goals and failed them by rejecting their show of power in Lahore and other parts of the country, Qasim Khan Suri said.

Speaking about the political culture of Balochistan, he said that the feudal system and the Nawabs and Sardars come to power in Balochistan and, therefore, they treat each other as Nawab and Sardar independently instead of a public representative. .

“I became the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Pakistan and it set a precedent that young people can come to the fore with continuous effort and struggle,” he said.

Responding to a question on the use of Urdu in parliament, the vice president said the Supreme Court has formally ordered the use of Urdu.

From this perspective, he said when he took office, his staff said that there are words that are used in English because our Constitution is printed in English and the operational machines use the English language. But unexpectedly, he said, he will speak in Urdu and conduct the session in Urdu and he told my staff to get me translated if any difficulties arise.

He added that 70 percent of parliamentarians came from rural areas and that with the use of Urdu it had also become easier for them to understand the flow of sessions.

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