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Varanasi DM sets up medical panel to investigate death of Chhannulal Mishras daughter


The Varanasi district administration set up a medical inquiry commission following the death of the eldest daughter of famous Hindustani classical singer and laureate Padma Vibhushan Chhannulal Mishra, which was also the proposal of Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the 2014 elections in LoK Sabha. The move followed allegations of medical negligence in his Covid treatment at a private district hospital.

Officials say Mishras’ daughter Sangeeta died during treatment at the Medwin hospital and research center on April 29, while his wife Manorama Devi died earlier in the week after developing problems. respiratory. Sangeetas’ older sister Namrata made medical negligence allegations against the hospital.

To probe her claim, she asked the administration to review the hospital’s CCTV footage, the medications provided to her sister, and the bills the hospital provided for her treatment. He was informed that the commission of inquiry set up by the district magistrate has three medical experts who will examine the matter from all angles.

Talk to The Indian ExpressVaranasi District Magistrate (DM) Kaushal Raj Sharma said the allegations are not sufficiently substantiated because he himself made sure that Sangeeta got a suitable oxygen ventilation bed for treatment, checked in continued her condition with Medwin Hospital and even offered to transfer her to a larger health facility four days later, after the matter reached PM Modi.

His daughter Namrata alleged that there was medical negligence on the part of the hospital. While a report was sent to the DM by the PVA concerned, the latter set up a medical commission to investigate the matter. Within the next three days, the board will submit a report on the treatment provided. On this basis, we could take action against the affected hospital, said Deputy Police Commissioner (DCP) Kashi Zone Amit Kumar.

According to reports, Chhannulals’ daughter Sangeeta was admitted to hospital on April 24 after testing positive for the coronavirus and died on April 29. His wife had died earlier in the month. We were informed that Namrata had requested that an investigation be carried out based on the CCTV footage of the hospitals and that it was necessary to verify whether the appropriate medication was being provided to the patient. There is also a problem with billing. The investigative committee formed by the DM will now conduct a full investigation, he said, adding that after Sangeetas’ death an argument ensued at the hospital and the police had to intervene to calm down. the spirits.

The DM said that during the 10 days since the patient’s admission, he had been in contact with the family and had even spoken with Channulal at least four times. After PM Modi spoke to Channulalji, I even offered to move the patient from Medwin to Shubham Hospital, which is a larger facility, but Namrata refused, saying he was satisfied with the treatment provided to Medwin. Hospital staff even set up a video call with the patient about 4-5 days ago. The patient’s condition deteriorated, however, and she was transferred to an intensive care bed. Even on the day of her death, doctors provided me with all the details related to her treatment, Sharma said.

He added that Medwin is a designated Covid hospital and has Level 2 and Level 3 facilities. It has over 50 patients admitted to date. In 2014, Chhannulal was one of four proponents of PM Modi when he submitted his candidacy from Varanasi. Mishra is a famous representative of Hindustani classical music from Varanasi.

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