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Shehbaz to file contempt petition against government and FIA on 17th – Pakistan


LAHORE: Opposition leader in the National Assembly and PML-N chairman Shehbaz Sharif to file contempt of court petition against the PTI government and the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in the High Court of Lahore on the first working day (May 17) after the Eid holiday for arresting him for leaving the country for London despite (court) orders.

On Monday, Shehbaz Sharif consulted his legal team regarding the filing of the contempt of court petition in the LHC and ordered them to prepare the project.

Shehbaz Sharif, after consulting his legal team, decided to file a contempt of court petition at the LHC on Monday (May 17th) against the Imran Khan government and the FIA ​​for preventing him from leaving the country for treatment in London. There was a clear order from the LHC in this regard and stopping him at Lahore airport to catch his flight for false reasons amounts to contempt of court, PML-N Deputy General Secretary Attaullah Tarar, who is also part of the legal department of Mr. Shehbazs. team, said Monday.

Speaking to Dawn, Mr Tarar said Mr Shehbaz would also present the transcripts of anti-judicial statements from ministers and advisers along with his petition. The legal team also weighed the option of having Federal Minister Fawad Chaudhry and Councilor Mirza Shahzad Akbar be indicted separately for their direct tirade against the court for its decision to grant Mr. Shehbaz leave to to go abroad, he said.

Mr Tarar said the PML-N had already sent the LHC order to FIA headquarters and the Home Office. The leaders of the PML-N had in person submitted the court order to the Lahore FIA ​​and interestingly in return the agency filed a petition against us for trespassing (his building), he expressed his surprise.

He added that the government should enforce the court order. The government could delay Mr Shehbaz’s departure, but he will eventually have to travel to London for his treatment in the face of old cheap tactics, Mr Tarar said.

Last Friday, the LHC granted Shehbaz conditional permission to travel to the UK for medical treatment from May 8 to July 3. On Saturday, Mr. Shehbaz had reached Allama Iqbal International Airport to catch a Qatar Airways flight to reach his destination. via Doha. However, FIA immigration officials told him he could not board the flight as his name was on the stop list National Provisional Identification List (PNIL).

The PNIL is a list maintained by the FIA ​​of persons temporarily banned by the Ministry of the Interior from traveling for 30 days. The FIA ​​informed him to move closer to his headquarters to have his name removed from the arrest list thanks to this court order.

Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry had said the government would use all legal options against the LHC verdict allowing Shehbaz to travel abroad. The hasty manner in which Shehbaz secured a bond by the LHC is a manifestation of an outdated system in Pakistan, Chaudhry said.

Responding to Fawad Chaudhrys’ statement, Marryum said Monday of Saaf Paani, Ganda Naala, Multan Metro, Lahore Metro and Beyond Means Assets that the cases against Mr. Shehbaz were nothing but the product of political revenge and prejudice. The illegal PTI team should tell Imran Khan that the Supreme Court had already overturned the Hudaibiya (against the Sharif family) reference. Even during the Panama Papers, when the NAB attempted to re-launch this investigation, the court closed it after hearing the NAB package of lies. Why don’t those praised beaks say that the NAB moved the Supreme Court after the High Court, but the Supreme Court maintained the same position, she said.

Marryum called on the government to focus on skyrocketing inflation and unemployment and stop its political circus of revenge, hijacking and victimization.

According to sources, by announcing the reopening of the Hudabia affair, the government is desperate to prevent the opposition leader from leaving the country. He fears Shahbaz could convey an important message from the powers that be to his older brother Nawaz Sharif in London and then launch a campaign against the ouster of Prime Minister Imran Khan. .

Posted in Dawn on May 11, 2021

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