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Americans favor leadership of their own governor over that of Donald Trump on pandemic



Twice as many Americans believe their own governor has handled the coronavirus crisis better than President Donald Trump, according to a new NPR / PBS NewsHour / Marist poll released Wednesday.

The survey found that 64% of voters believed that the governor of their own state outperformed Trump. Only 32% felt better about the work the president was doing.

There is a clear difference in partisan views, with 73% of Republican respondents supporting Trump as their governor. Marist did not provide state-by-state data but gave results by region. In the South, 57% have more confidence in their governor while 38% prefer that presidents manage the situation, the best results for the president of all regions.

The poll also asked specific questions about Trump’s management versus that of governors. The heads of state still performed better, with 54% voting in favor of the response from their governors and 39% preferring Trump.

The same survey found that 50% of working Americans have found themselves or someone in their household affected financially by the pandemic.

This is a significant jump from the last time the poll was held in March. At this point, 18% of people have felt an economic impact in their own home.

The results dismissed the responses of those who are retired or who were already unemployed before the onset of the crisis.

The results show that the COVID-19 crisis has become a pocket problem as well as a public health crisis. The combined results have hurt Trump politically and, in his biggest area of ​​strength, managing the economy.

A majority of 55% of Americans disapprove of the way Trump treated COVID-19. This is more than 49% in the last survey.

In particular, the survey still shows that 44% approve of the presidents’ approach, which remains unchanged from last month.

With an alleged Democratic candidate for president clear, the poll found 55% think former Vice President Joe Biden would handle the COVID-19 crisis better than Trump. This includes 55% of voters who identify as independent. About 40% think Trump is handling the situation better than Biden could.

The poll also shows that Biden has a voter advantage over economic leadership. Biden surpasses Trump with 51% who think he could manage the economy better than Trump, while 40% have more confidence in the incumbent in this area. Here, independents remain more narrowly divided, but with 47% preferring Biden and 45% favoring Trump.

The poll found a clear partisan divide in terms of Republicans and Democrats over political preference. But he also showed divergent views between Democrats and Republicans on how the crisis should be handled.

About 84% of Democrats say it’s a bad idea for Americans to return to work right now, while 51% of Republicans would be a good idea to restore business. About 64% of the self-employed wish to continue with home-support policies. About 65% of respondents overall say that America is not ready to return to work.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to unveil a phased plan for the reopening of Florida today.

But on other issues, there was broad bipartisan agreement. For example, about 91% of Americans agree that it is a bad idea to let people attend sporting events without further testing.

A high percentage of 85% believe that schools should not reopen at this time.

About 80% think it is a bad idea to allow dinner in restaurants.

Survey has 3.4% margin of error

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