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Indian agencies point to Pak's link in anti-CAA protests



Government has specific evidence that the deep state of Pakistan has played a role in escalating protests against the citizenship amendment law across the country through funding and leadership , even though Islamabad made a full effort to equate the Delhi riots with the 2002 Gujarat riots at the current meeting of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

HT learns that Indian intelligence agencies have captured transnational electronic chat where people suspected of being Pakistani agents accuse their sources of not having organized enough crowds for anti-CAA demonstrations on March 3 and 4 despite funding available to them. In such a call, heard by HT, the manager curses his contact and adds that he must explain the lack of crowd to his superiors. Although the context of the call is clear, HT cannot determine when it was made, nor the identity of the two speakers,

Analysts here say that if the Delhi riots were contained at significant human and material cost, it is only natural that Pakistan and its friends should try to use it as an instrument to radicalize young Muslims in the north of India against the Narendra Modi government through videos and speeches. . A similar procedure was adopted after the 2002 riots in Gujarat, they add. The cause of Islamabad is being helped by other states, such as Iran and Turkey, in their efforts to defend leadership in the Shiite and Sunni Islamist world.

Even though Rawalpindi GHQ is fishing in troubled waters in India, he has collapsed to slander India in UN bodies by speaking of Muslim murders and persecution by the NDA government. The Imran Khan government, however, never uses the word CAA in its claim, analysts point out, as the law is designed only to help persecuted minorities in Pakistan, among other neighboring countries.

At the current meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Pakistan missed no opportunity to pound India to work against its Muslim minority. While it avoided doing so in the "high-level segment" last month, Islamabad launched an offensive in thematic discussions this month without thinking about its own treatment of minorities such as the Baluchis, the Pashtuns and the Ahmediyas under the regime of Imran Khan, diplomats familiar with the matter said.

They add that there are almost daily protests from some of these persecuted communities in Pakistan outside the HRC headquarters in Geneva.

Making a national statement to the HRC, the permanent representative of Pakistan warned the Council about "India's drift towards fascism and communism of the rank …" and asked the High Commissioner to "prevent violence and provide security for Muslims in Delhi ”and elsewhere in the country.

Exercising its right of reply, Pakistan said: "Those who have been fed with the silver spoon of extremist ideologies by the fascist RSS organization can only indulge in intolerance, sectarianism and violence. "

When the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion did not mention or castigate India, the Pakistani representative questioned the silence by raising the question of violence "sponsored by" State, "diplomats said. In none of these statements and interjections at the UN, the term CAA does not appear.

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