CM Punjab Urges Prime Minister Modi To Create Special Trains To Help Migrants Return To Home
Update: 01 May 2020 02:39 STI
Chandigarh (Punjab) [India]May 1 (ANI): Punjab chief captain Captain Amarinder Singh wrote to Prime Minister Narendra Modi asking him to advise the Ministry of Railways to organize special trains to move stranded migrants to their destinations respective.
“Estimates indicate that almost a million workers will need transport to return to their country. The only option possible under these circumstances was to organize special trains, which the Railways could run from point to point , taking into account the number of people transported to a given destination, “wrote the Punjab CM in the letter.
Noting that since many other states may also face a similar situation, the Principal Minister has requested the intervention of the Prime Minister in this matter, urging him to advise the Ministry of Railways to make special arrangements to ensure that these migrant workers reach
their destination safely.
On Wednesday, the Union’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (MHA) authorized interstate movements of migrant workers, while ordering that “buses be used to transport a group of people, of course after proper disinfection and the maintenance of standards of social distancing in headquarters. “
Captain Amarinder noted that a large number of migrant workers who came to Punjab for jobs / jobs from Bihar, UP and Jharkhand intended to return to their respective states due to the epidemic of COVID- 19.
“These workers are engaged in both agriculture and industry. However, most of them have lost their jobs or have been unable to find jobs / work due to the curfew imposed by the workers. ‘State to contain coronavirus,’ he wrote.
In response to the Centre’s advice on the return of stranded and other migrants, Singh ordered all district collectors (DC) to prepare data on the status of migrant workers to coordinate their movement, even though he urged PM Modi to organize a point to point to special trains for the transport of these people.
The chief minister also announced that an officer has been assigned to each state to coordinate the return of stranded migrants.
During a videoconference with state DCs and the Chief Police Superintendent (SSP), the Prime Minister said that he had written to the Prime Minister regarding the transportation of migrants. He noted that Ludhiana alone had more than seven lakh migrant workers, the whole of Punjab counting more than a million.
Although data are still being collected, around 70% of Punjab workers are from Bihar, the Prime Minister said, adding that the movement of so many was only possible by trains, with control appropriate to carry out upon departure. .
The chief minister has asked developing countries in the meantime to start preparing a state-level migrant worker database to ensure their smooth return.
In response to concerns about the shortage of food packages in some districts due to the prolonged closure, the Chief Minister ordered the Food Department to increase the quota of rations to be distributed to migrants and non-holders smart cards. “No one should stay hungry,” he said.
Meanwhile, chief secretary Karan Avtar Singh informed the VC that according to protocols, DCs must pass migrants through their respective districts and give certificates, after which the state control room is required to provide to the State concerned the details of the migrant with a contact number. There was no ban on sending migrants on private buses, he said in response to a concern raised by DC Ludhiana in this regard. (ANI)
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