HENRY DEEDES: Boris Johnson and the Boffins were back – and the trio had new stuff!
HENRY DEEDES: Boris Johnson and the Boffins were back and the trio had new equipment!
The old group was back together. Boris and the Boffins finally met yesterday, their absence for a month on stage not the result of creative differences but a deadly disease that left their charismatic man in trouble to push this great concert into the sky.
Finally back in their favorite rehearsal room in Downing Street, the Prime Minister, flanked by his chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance and chief medical officer Sir Chris Whitty, swung gently at his desk.
A touch carrier since our last visit, yes, but almost certainly also a little wiser.
Welcome, said Boris, giving his notes an overkill. I’m sorry I haven’t been with this trio for so long.
Finally, we were able to hear a sample of new material. We have passed the peak of this disease, said the Prime Minister defiantly. We have passed the peak and we are on the downhill slope. There are many reasons to hope.

The British Prime Minister was back on the podium for the government’s daily coronavirus briefing after his absence after catching the virus, and he seemed breathless while speaking.
He promised next week to come up with a comprehensive plan on how to get Britain out of the lockdown. But everyone looking for a new revolutionary sound was disappointed. The list of afternoon combos was otherwise too familiar.
All the old successes were there: Stay the course Your sacrifice works Continue! The lockdown, said the Prime Minister, was going nowhere.
Since the coronacoaster was in recent weeks, the PM has managed to appear relatively shredder.
Although desperate, the toll was on the verge of having the most deaths in Europe, he was determined to convince us that there was an open hatch at the end of his route.
We passed under what could have been a huge peak, as if we had crossed a huge Alpine tunnel, he said, we can now see the sunlight and the pastures in front of us. He insisted that the UK beat this disease with our determination and ingenuity.
We were shown a small film full of spots and blurs and small red and blue dots explaining why the lock would not be lifted.
All expenses have been saved for the creation of the videos. At first glance, it was tinkered with one of those 1980s Commodore computers that could play Space Invaders but not much else.

Chief Scientific Advisor Sir Patrick Vallance, pictured, joined Prime Minister Boris Johnson for the coronavirus briefing on April 30 at Downing Street and shared the latest virus data
The media have performed their usual act of intermission. Surprisingly, no one asked about the new baby Johnson. Pity. We could have done with a slight relief in the middle of the dark.
It may not be the appropriate time.
ITVs Robert Peston asked if the crisis would herald a new era of austerity. Boris insisted that the economy would rebound strongly and gave Peston a slight spin to use the word austerity.
There was an interesting time when someone asked about facial masks. Boris thought they would be useful when the lockdown was finally relaxed and people needed to find the confidence to return to work. As far as I know, this is the first time he has recognized it.

Surgeon General Sir Chris Whitty joined Johnson and Vallance on Thursday, more than a month after the trio first appeared at the government’s first daily coronavirus briefing
Whitty became quite animated, that is, her left eyebrow contracted slightly, when someone asked what lessons had been learned. Let’s not charge those who won and those who lost, he said sternly.
When this improbable three-room apartment first appeared there in March, it seems that almost a year ago, Boris kept confusing his two group mates (Chris, no! Patrick, he was yelling with an awkward volley of hair.) Now they were almost finishing each other’s sentences.
Who knows, maybe one of them could become the godfather of the newcomer to No10. I guess the little one would do better for Sir Patrick at Christmas. He looks at the kind of fork on a vintage port case as a christening gift. Whitty would probably suggest naming a new bacteria after the little guy.
Finally, at 5:52 p.m., the boys shot down their instruments and left the stage. No arch, no reminders. Not as long as a wave of goodnight sweat.
So it takes a long time for those who are able to produce different songs.
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