The new 2020 learning law will be presented at the next session of the Palestinian Authority: the head of Tevta
Punjab Technical Education and Vocational Training Authority Chair Ali Salman Siddique said new apprenticeship law 2020 will be introduced at next session of Punjab 39; Punjab Assembly.
While talking to Business recorder Salaam Alaikum TEVTA said that after passing the law industry would hire a student registered with TEVTA. The new law will replace the old apprenticeship law of 1962. Ali said TEVTA's vision 2023 is designed in such a way that we will provide 1 million jobs to skilled young people in Punjab according to the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan. He also said that some 200,000 students are currently enrolled in TEVTA programs across Punjab each year. He said we will increase registrations by 20% each year.
He added that he wanted to see TEVTA as one of the largest skill providers in South Asia. "In our efforts to transform the Punjab skills landscape, we have changed our vision from a simple skill provider to job creation through skills inspired by the highest quality demand possible" said Ali.
He also said that the new leadership of TEVTA in its first 100 days has collaborated with its relevant stakeholders, including NAVTTC, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank and the sector support program. TVET funded by the European Union and the Norwegian and German governments to identify critical gaps in its existing TVET system and launched several interventions in just 100 days to bring a paradigm shift from its conventional system to a ecosystem of modern skills.
For the first time in the history of TEVTA Ali said that a career development division has been created, which will be led by the best professionals in their field. The division will have close liaison with vocational guidance and placement centers in TEVTA institutes across Punjab to facilitate students to connect with local and international industry for placement.
For our international wing, separate offices will be set up with the support of the Overseas Pakistan Commission and the Foreign Office. Skilled workforce data will be shared with international companies that had global job data. The international wing will collaborate with them for the placement of our students in the world.
President TEVTA said that before this authority did not have credible data on our 2 million graduates who died in the last 20 years concerning their placement or not, their salary or their status as self-employed. .
He said that when he joined TEVTA in August 2019, his goal was quality, not quantity. He also said that we have introduced a skills-based training and assessment system in our institutes with support from the World Bank. It is an internationally accredited system implemented in more than 130 countries. This system focuses on skills building, delivering quality training and assessing skill and training levels for productive economic use.
He added that all TEVTA courses should be renewed in accordance with CBTA standards. Previously, the courses had theoretical and practical bases in which an individual student was not able to learn and train, but in this system, each student must have to do everything alone. The student must pass individually. This has improved quality standards. “We are updating laboratories and machines in 83 institutes with the support of GIZ and the World Bank. So far, 36 courses have been transferred to the CBTA and the rest are in progress. It is difficult to buy up-to-date machines, so we are liaising with international agencies, donors and the government to provide the required funding, "said the president.
He also said that for the theoretical part, we are introducing smart classrooms and simulations where students will be exposed to modern technology with multimedia and computers, in classrooms. TEVT, in collaboration with the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), works on the simulation of different courses and classrooms. For example, a student goes into the classroom of the electrical course, there is a blackboard and there were no suitable books. He will learn everything on a machine thanks to ready-made simulations.
Speaking of financial constraints, TEVTA President Ali Salman said that we need 50 billion rupees to modernize 403 institutes, so we cannot do it immediately taking into account the economic situation of the country. We have therefore identified different economic zones in the province.
TEVTA, in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank, will modernize 8 centers of excellence with funding of $ 100 million. These centers will provide support in the areas of food preservation announcement processing, construction IT, automation, technology and other sectors. Four centers are being created with the help of the National University of Technology (NUTECH).
He also indicated that these centers will be installed in buildings already built because we had 16 buildings at the cutting edge of technology. So, rather than spending money on infrastructure development, we will be spending money on human development. We are also working for international accreditation for all of these courses so that our students can go abroad. TEVTA, he said, is working with the Department of Planning and Development of Punjab for skills mapping so that we know the demand of the industry in different cities.
Ali said that when he took responsibility, he observed that the courses were not market-oriented and that they had been launched without taking the industry into account.
President TEVTA said that for the first time, it had launched entrepreneurship programs in collaboration with Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS).
He said that as part of a pilot project, LUMS 'national incubation center is coaching the first group of 30 TEVTA students by equipping them with business skills to start their own startup.
“We are collaborating with Microfinance Bank and government entities to finance these initiatives. Our goal is to develop our own incubation center to institutionalize the entrepreneurship program for our students. "He said. He said that TEVTA had also been in collaboration with the best private institutions like LUMS, FCC, Lahore University and UMT. He also shared that a sunny Malaysian youngster Ali offered to offer for free TEVTA courses. "We believe that the new reforms and interventions within the framework of our TEVTA 2023 vision will not only improve the quality standards of students but will also allow them to guarantee economic opportunities locally and internationally. thanks to our new ecosystem of skills, "concluded the president.
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