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Repatriation of Nawaz Sharif | Business recorder



The government of Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan, Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaaf, has made the extraordinary decision to write a letter to the British authorities for the repatriation of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif who is in London for medical treatment. The government alleged that Nawaz Sharif breached the eight-week bail given to him by the Islamabad High Court (IHC) for this purpose by staying in London for more than three months. PM's special assistant on information, Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan said at a press conference on March 3, 2020, after informing the federal cabinet on the matter that a Medical Commission formed by the Government of the Punjab on the directives of the CSI which had authorized Nawaz Sharif to leave for London for treatment has now come to the conclusion that Nawaz Sharif is fine and can therefore return as he was not admitted in no hospital and has been seen frequenting restaurants in London. She added that the Punjab government had written a number of letters to Nawaz Sharif asking for his latest medical reports but that he had instead presented a certificate which is not acceptable for medical advice to verify his health. Unsurprisingly, the President of the PML-N and Leader of the Opposition, Shahbaz Sharif, who accompanied his brother to London, reacted bitterly to the government's decision. Above all, Shahbaz argued, the government did not have the power to write such a letter. The government's haste, he added, betrayed its criminal intent. He stressed that trying to stop Nawaz Sharif's treatment is tantamount to murdering him. Last but not least, he accused Prime Minister Imran Khan of having acted out of personal enmity and political revenge.

Although the exchange described above is not a surprise, the issue should be approached calmly, rationally and in accordance with the law. The IHC had granted Nawaz Sharif an eight-week bond for medical treatment in London when local doctors appeared unable to control his complicated afflictions. The court also ordered Nawaz Sharif to request an extension of his bail from the Punjab government. Henceforth, all rational and responsible government must be guided in its decisions and actions by law and rules. If the Punjab government decided not to extend the Nawaz Sharif bail period, it must have been based on certain facts and evidence. However, according to Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, the medical commission set up by the Punjab government did not receive the latest medical reports from Nawaz Sharif but a medical certificate instead, which according to Dr Awan – does not allow the medical committee to assess the state of his health. In this case, how can the medical committee declare that Nawaz Sharif is now warm and welcoming, based on the thin argument of being seen in London restaurants? At best, the government should have approached the CSI to order Nawaz Sharif to provide his latest medical reports instead of jumping to the conclusion that he was fine and that he was able to return. Second, an IHC approach to the issue of allowing or denying an extension of Nawaz Sharif's bail period may have been the more correct and wiser solution. Last but not least, does the government not know that there is no extradition treaty between Pakistan and the United Kingdom? If, by a little imagination, the British government decided to repatriate Nawaz Sharif, this could be challenged in British courts. It should be recalled that the British government, despite its desire to extradite Julian Assange to the United States to face serious charges, was unable to do so despite its "capture" of the man. Embassy of Ecuador in London because the issue is now before the courts. One would have thought that there were more important and important issues on which our government should focus, and not least, the threatened fallout of the global coronavirus epidemic on our already failing economy. Instead, the focus on the prosecution of Nawaz Sharif raises suspicions of political victimization.

Copyright recorder, 2020

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