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Selection of the head of the CBI: in a dissenting note, Adhir Ranjan questions the conduct of the DoPT


The conduct of the Personnel and Training Department (DoPT) has been abhorrent during the selection process for a new CBI director and the selection jury meeting should be postponed, Congress chief told Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury in a dissent note that was submitted to the high-level selection committee headed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

India’s Chief Justice NV Ramana is the other member of the committee that decides on the appointment of the head of the CBI.

Opposing how the DoPT – the nodal ministry for all important positions in central institutions – had shortlisted 16 names from a list of 109 Indian Police Service (IPS) officers by the eleventh hour, Mr Chowdhury said beat the baton for canceling Monday’s meeting.

However, as the CBI had not had a full-time director since February, the committee decided to continue the meeting.

The 16 names, whose records were sent to committee members on the day of the meeting, included current Border Security Force (BSF) chief Rakesh Asthana. [Gujarat cadre:1984 batch] and the head of the National Investigation Agency, YC Modi [Assam-Meghalaya:1984 batch], both considered preferred officers of the dispensation from power.

However, as The Hindu reported Monday, they were excluded, as CJI insisted on sticking to a rule that a candidate should have six months or more to retire.

Mr. Chowdhury also learns to have strongly opposed these officials.

The committee finally selected three officers – VSK Kaumudi [Andhra Pradesh:86 batch], Kumar Rajesh Chandra [Bihar:85 batch] and Subodh Kumar Jaiswal [Maharashtra:85 batch] – one of whom will be appointed as the new head of the CBI.

Seeks absolute transparency

In his dissent note, Chowdhury cited the Supreme Court ruling in Anjali Bharadwaj v Union of India case regarding the appointment of the Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) and called for absolute transparency. in the selection procedure for the head of the CBI.

The DoPT has no statutory support to choose and transmit only certain names to the selection committee. Moreover, it appears that the DoPT, which is directly under the control of the central government, is deliberately trying to sabotage the objective of this high-level selection committee. The above conduct of the DoPT is very reprehensible, he said in his dissent note.

In light of the above events and given the odious conduct of the DoPT, this committee must now be extremely vigilant and take all necessary measures to ensure that the current process for appointing the CBI Director’s office is not not tainted with allegations. unfair control and non-transparency, he added.

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