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Campaign for clean and green Pakistan launched in Khanpur


Muzffargarh nations that have a clear and well-directed plan survive and thrive, said district judge Sohaib Roomi while planting trees for the campaign for a clean, green Pakistan in the Khanpur range.

Deputy Commissioner, P.Eng. Amjad Shoaib Tareen, additional deputy commissioner Revenue Arif Zia Abbas, additional deputy general commissioner Jam Aftab, DPD Nadeem Abbas were also present on this occasion.

The sitting judge further stated that all Pakistanis should participate in this campaign because the forest ratio in Pakistan was too low and the campaign was a good sign for planting forests on thousands of hectares of land.

Deputy Commissioner Amjad Shoaib Tareen said planting trees was a national obligation to make Prime Minister Imran Khan's vision a reality. The campaign will minimize environmental pollution. He also added that 12,100 plants were planted in the Khanpur forest.

Syed Nadeem Abbas said the district administration's struggle to plant forests was a great success and a sign of a healthy environment. Every citizen should participate in this campaign. DFO Mudasar Shaukat gave the statistics, since 131,000 plants have been planted on 13 hectares of land and 968,000 plants will be planted in the meadows and approximately 71,000 on the banks of the canal.

A large number of notables, including the principal Govt Postgraduate College Rana Madud, Deputy Director of Agriculture Sh.Yusaf, DEO 1122 Dr. Irshad, DEO Education Samina Bashir, AD Live Stock Ch Tariq, Aamir Saleem, Ume Kalsoom Sial and many others participated in the ceremony

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