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Dowrich and the nurse put pride in front




TT Red Force drummer Joshua Da Silva plays a forward defensive stroke to a delivery by Jomel Warrican on Thursday's opening day. PHOTO OF MARVIN HAMILTON. - Marvin Hamilton
TT Red Force drummer Joshua Da Silva plays a forward defensive stroke to a delivery by Jomel Warrican on Thursday's opening day. PHOTO OF MARVIN HAMILTON. – Marvin Hamilton

A seventh wicket 159 point partnership between Shane Dowrich and Ashley Nurse on Friday saved Barbados Pride from trouble with the TT Red Force to give visitors the advantage in the championship game. four days from the West Indies at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy in Tarouba.

Responding to the first rounds of the Red Force in total of 239, Pride faltered 73/6 in the second session with speed pitcher Anderson Phillip leading with three wickets. The bowlers were also supported by an excellent set-up. The fifth wicket fell when Kyle Mayers was eliminated for 11 by the pitch from Cephas Cooper to wicket keeper Joshua Da Silva.

Mayers pushed the ball to the left of Cooper under cover and he retrieved the ball and threw it to Da Silva who recovered and touched the stumps a few meters away.

After Kevin Stoute was upset for two, West Indian goalkeeper Dowrich and Nurse prevented Red Force from gaining a huge lead in the first inning with an offensive partnership that frustrated the home team in the second half of the day.

The pair ignored the dash and showed their intention, especially in appreciating the Red Force spinners. Dowrich, who came in the middle with Pride on 3/36, split Red Forces captain and leg spinner Imran Khan for two ovens in one as he neared his 50th birthday. The nurse, who immediately asserted herself, followed Dowrich by cracking his left arm spinner Akeal Hosein for two limits in one more as the pride went to tea on 131/6, still dragging Red Force by 108 points.

Dowrich came of age with four fortuitous moments when he found the edge and the ball flew between Da Silva and first fielder Bryan Charles.

Red Force had a half-chance soon after, but Uthman Muhammad misjudged a take halfway to give Nurse a life. After Dowrich made his way by completing a quick single, Nurse joined Dowrich on 50 while the partnership was close to 100. Nurse entered the 60s and passed Dowrich in the run column while Pride progressed to 178 / 6, trailing only 61 runs. .

Dowrich and Nurse seemed to take pride beyond the Red Force score, but, with their total of 232, Nurse was upset by Khan for 81. His shot came out of 96 deliveries and included ten four and three six.

Phillip got Dowrich's precious wicket, denying the tiny drummers of his century when he was put in play for 96 of 157 balls with 16 ovens.

Phillip had a five-gate when he trapped Keon Harding for eight stages before while Pride closed 254/9, a 15-point lead. Phillip finished the day with 5/58 in 17.3 overs.

Earlier, taking 192/5 in the opening heats, the Red Forces were sacked for 239 with Da Silva cracking 77. The fast pitcher Chemar Holder was the chief destroyer snatching 4/68 in 23.4 overs.

Display board


Red Force 1st hostels:

(Night 192/5)

K Hope LBW b Mayers * 40

C Cooper b Mayers * 16

I Rajah b Holder * 33

J Mohammed b Mayers * 0

J Da Silva b Stoute * 77

Support J Goolie b * 7

I Khan b Stoute * 23

A Support Hosein LBW b * 9

B Charles c Greaves b Stoute * 1

U Muhammed has not left * 21

A holder Phillip c Moseley b * 2

EXTRAS (B3, LB3, NB4) * 10

Total * 239

Fall of ticket offices: 59; 60; 60; 144; 156; 195; 214; 214; 230; 239.

BOWLING: Holder 23.4-6-68-4; Harding 17-4-74-0; Mayers 16-5-39-3; Stoute 20-9-30-3; Warrican 10-5-22-0.

Pride 1st hostels:

K Brathwaite LBW b Phillip * 13

S Moseley b Charles * 21

S Brooks b Phillip * 0

J Greaves LBW b Phillip * 4

S Dowrich b Phillip * 96

K Mayers runs out (Da Silva) * 11

K Stoute b Muhammed * 2

A nurse b Khan * 81

J Warrican not released * 8

K Harding LBW b Phillip * 8

Support C not released * 0

EXTRAS (B6, LB3, NB1) * 10

Total for nine counters * 254

Fall of counters: 16; 22; 36; 42; 71; 73; 232; 246; 254.

BOWLING: Phillip 17.3-3-58-5; Muhammed 17-4-61-1; Charles 5-1-26-1; Hosein 13-3-52-0; Khan 13-3-48-1.

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