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Presidential regulations of the Ministry for the Coordination of Economic Affairs signed by Jokowi, many new tasks: Okezone economics


JAKARTA – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) signed on February 26, 2020 Presidential Regulation (Perpres) number 37 of 2020 concerning the Ministry for the Coordination of Economic Affairs.

This is a follow-up to the stipulation of Presidential Decree No. 113 / P of 2019 concerning the creation of the Ministry of State and the appointment of Ministers of State for the advanced period of the Indonesian Cabinet 2019-2024 and the implementation of the provisions of Article 11 and Article 14 of Law No. 39 of 2008 concerning the Ministries of State.

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In Perpres, the Ministry of Economy Coordination has the task of coordinating, synchronizing and controlling the affairs of the Ministry in the administration of the economy in order to provide support, to implement initiatives and control policies according to the national development program and the appointment of the president.

The coordinating ministry of the economy coordinates: a. Ministry of Finance; b. Ministry of Manpower; vs. Ministry of Industry; d. Department of Commerce; e. Ministry of Agriculture; f. Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency; g. Companies belonging to the Ministry of State; h. Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises; i. Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation; and j. Other agencies deemed necessary.

The Ministry for the Coordination of Economic Affairs is made up of: a. Secretariat of the coordinating ministry; b. Assistant to macroeconomic and financial coordination; vs. Assistant to the coordination of food and agro-industry; d. Assistant to the coordination of business development for public enterprises, research and innovation; e. Assistant to the coordination of the digital economy, employment and micro, small and medium enterprises; f. Assistant to the coordination of trade and industry; g. Assistant to regional development and coordination of regional planning; h. Assistant to the coordination of international economic cooperation; i. Expert staff in regulation, law enforcement and economic security; j. Expert staff in connectivity, service development and natural resources; k. Expert staff in digital transformation, creativity and human resources; l. Expert staff for regional development; and M. Expert staff in the development of economic productivity and competitiveness.

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All the above posts are under and report to the coordinating minister. The mission of the Inspection is to carry out internal supervision within the Ministry for the Coordination of Human Development and Culture.

The Inspectorate is headed by the Inspector, reads article 30, paragraph 2, of Perpres.

Inspection and expert staff are subordinate and accountable to the coordinating minister and are coordinated by the secretary of the coordinating ministry. According to this regulation, within the Ministry for the Coordination of the Economy, certain functional positions can be allocated according to needs, the implementation of which is carried out in accordance with legal provisions.

The coordinating minister ensures coordination and synchronization as well as control of the implementation of policies in the implementation of national development and the appointment of the president. The Minister responsible for coordination, in the exercise of his functions, must cooperate and implement a system of accountability for the performance of government agencies, reads articles 35 and 36 of these presidential regulations.

When this presidential regulation comes into force, the provisions concerning the Ministry of Economic Affairs Coordination, as regulated in Presidential Regulation number 8 of 2015 concerning the Ministry of Economic Affairs Coordination (Official Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia, year 2015 number 9), are repealed and declared invalid.

This presidential regulation comes into force on the date of its promulgation, reads article 51 of presidential regulation number 37 of 2020 which was signed by the Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly February 28, 2020.

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