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SK-II Activates #CHANGEDESTINY Fund to Support Tokyo Women Entrepreneurs Affected by the Shibuya City Pandemic


With the launch of SK-II from SK-II STUDIO, SK-II has a #CHANGEDESTINY Fund, contributing U.S$1 for each view collected on each SK-II STUDIO film supporting women in pursuing their destiny to create positive change as part of the brand purpose. To date, SK-II’s SK-II STUDIO movies have been viewed more than 700 million times worldwide. Total contribution to the #CHANGEDESTINY Fund is capped at U.S$500,000 this year.

Yield of the #CHANGEDESTINY Fund, worth US$500,000 goes to an annual program to support participating women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs in Tokyo with Shibuya City and METALKa Tokyo-based female entrepreneurship network to equip them with digital and social skills, business networking and platforms to build and keep the business of their dreams alive in these unprecedented times.

The program will follow a three-pronged approach “Learn”, “Connect”, “Access” to address the key challenges facing women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs in these unprecedented times, with the first month-long workshop starting on 21 Julyst 2021.

“To learn” includes a tailor-made training bootcamp and one-on-one business consultation on topics such as digital presence building, social trade and even international expansion with the support of Facebook Japan and google Japan. “Connect” involves connecting women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs to a wider network and matching them with relevant role models. “Access”means that women-owned small businesses provide access to a wider audience and unique brand-building experiences through SK-II platforms such as the “SK-II CITY”a virtual city inspired by Tokyo transporting visitors to the center of a bustling urban intersection with all the sights, sounds and sense of discovery of Shibuya Crossing.

Inauguration of the launch of the #CHANGEDESTINY Fund programto be mr. Ken Hasebe, mayor of the city of Shibuya & Markus Strobel, P&G president of Skin and Personal Care.

“Today, Shibuya City and SK-II formalize our partnership agreement to support women entrepreneurs and small business owners in Tokyo. With this, we will facilitate the growth of social infrastructure to become a start-up hub where women entrepreneurs and small business owners can rise above the current challenges to shine.”shared mr. Ken Hasebe, mayor of the city of Shibuya.

SK-II presentsSK-II STUDIO as the brand’s first film studio division dedicated to addressing the social pressures faced by women today. SK-II STUDIO’s Debut Movie “The Center Avenuecontains swimmer’s inspiring story Ikee Rikako’s return to competitive swimming by award-winning director Hirokazu Koreeda. SK-II STUDIO’s Second Episodeagainst’ Seriesis an animated anthology series of six films that explores what it takes to take fate into your own hands through the real-life stories of Olympic athlete gymnasts Simone Biles, swimmer LiuXiang,table tennis player Ishikawa Kasumic, badminton players Ayaka Takahashi and Misaki Matsutomosurfer Mahina Maeda, and Hinotori Nippon[1], the Japanese Volleyball Team.

“In these unprecedented times we find ourselves in, consumers have much higher expectations of brands and businesses. We know we have an even greater social responsibility to the communities in which we operate and are a force for good shared Markus Strobel, P&G President of Skin and Personal Care.#CHANGEDESTINYis the core of our brand goal at SK-II. For years we have celebrated how fate is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice through the stories of courageous women around the world. We thank all consumers who have accompanied us on this journey. Launching our first #CHANGEDESTINY Fund program with Shibuya City and METALK is a big step forward in our #CHANGEDESTINY journey. It means a lot to us, as the global partner of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, to turn inspiration and opinions from our SK-II STUDIO films into action with the #CHANGEDESTINY fund to empower women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs. support those fighting to keep the businesses of their dreams alive.”

To learn how you can help women-owned small businesses and entrepreneurs as part of the #CHANGEDESTINY Fund program, visit

If you are a woman-owned or female entrepreneur small business located in Tokyo interested in joining the #CHANGEDESTINY Fund program, please apply here:

[1] SK-II Studio’s “VS Limitations” was filmed in 2019 with the 2019 Japanese National Team Hinotori Nippon. The athletes featured in the movies share the brand purpose of SK-II of #CHANGEDESTINY and have experiences that will change fate. change in real life, often while under intense scrutiny, pressure, and judgment. Their roster is completely independent of the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

About SK-II

For nearly 40 years, SK-II has touched the lives of millions of women around the world through skin and life transformation. The fascinating story behind SK-II began with a quest to understand why older sake brewers had wrinkled faces, but exceptionally soft and youthful-looking hands. These hands were in constant contact with the sake fermentation process. It took scientists years of research to develop the miracle ingredient PITERA. to isolate[2]SK-II’s exclusive and naturally derived ingredient made from a patented fermentation process of a unique yeast strain. Since then SK-II with PITERA1 has become a special secret shared by celebrities around the world, such as Tangwei, Ni Ni, Chun Xiao, Haruka Ayase, Kasumi Arimura, Naomi Watanabe, Chloe Grace Moretz. For the latest news and detailed information, visit


#CHANGEDESTINY is at the heart of the SK-II brand philosophy that celebrates that fate is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice. Inspired by the stories of women around the world, #CHANGEDESTINY sheds light on the pressures they face and the universal ‘box’ they are placed in to be perfect in the eyes of society. Award-winning #CHANGEDESTINY campaigns include 2016’s “Marriage Market Takeover” which spotlighted the “Sheng Nu” or “Leftover Women” labels China, 2017’s “The Expiry Date”, 2018’s “Meet Me Halfway”and 2019’s “Timelines”, a docu-series in collaboration with Katie Couric on the evolving and controversial topic of marital pressures and societal expectations facing women worldwide.


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