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Pope Francis # 3 in Hockey Suffers First Defeat in Super 8 Tournament, Falls in Arlington # 1 (Video)


FRAMINGHAM The way back to TD Garden has become more complicated for Pope Francis' No. 3 hockey team after the Cardinals fell to No. 1 in Arlington, 2-1, in the Super tournament 8 Saturday evening.

There was certainly no excessive trust in it, said Pope Francis coach Brian Foley. "The Spy Ponders are a great team, only the loss came from us earlier this year. We knew it would be a tough game because the two teams were equal.

"I thought it would be a one-goal match, but unfortunately we came out on the wrong side."

With this victory, Arlington rose to 19-1-4 and will compete for its first crown since 2017 on Sunday March 15 in Boston with a time and an opponent to be determined.

After suffering his first defeat of the tournament, Pope Francis (15-5-2) will try to keep his dreams alive against the No. 4 of St. Johns in the category of losers on Wednesday March 7 at the Loring Ice Arena with a 7:00 a.m. scheduled start.

"I mean, losing this game only makes us want to go to TD Garden even more," said Cardinals goalkeeper Ben Zaranek. "We know we are going to play against them again (Spy Ponders), but that is all we wanted to do, it was winning especially after the last two years.

"It's so exciting to play, so all we want to do now is replay this team and win."

After the initial intensity of the two teams, Anthony Messuri connected with Brendan Jones for a shooter who beat Zaranek to five holes to advance the Spy Ponders. The score continued as Ryan Davies doubled Arlingtons' cushion 2-0 with 6:51 left in the first. Tyler Callahan and Leonidas Piandes both received aids on the disc.

Foley credited Arlington for capitalizing on his team's first period mistakes.

"I think at the start of the match we had some good opportunities," he said. "I also thought we came out strong in the first five or six minutes. After that, however, the opposition got underway, and we also waived a bad penalty late in the first.

On their first goal, (Davies) just outdid our guy who was there on the cover and was finally overworked. We gave them two goals in the first period, and you can't do it against a good team like Arlington.

Moments after James Santagatis slashed his call in the 24th minute, the Cardinals threw a trio of shots in vain, while Spy Ponders goalkeeper Nathan Brennan proved why he was one of the best regions after his complete denial of Ryan Leonards fifth goal of the season. .

While Pope Francis was still hanging out in the third, Brandon Spaulding forced a roll and saw open ice. After Brennan made the initial save, Ryan Shaw rebounded on the weak side but was also refused.

You know, (Arlington) is a smart and well-trained team, said Foley of his opponent. "They don't make a lot of mistakes. But like I said, the two goals they got, I thought we made mistakes. I don't think they made a lot of themselves , but when they did, Brennan played very well.

I mean, he made a spectacular stop on the power play where he looked like he was clearly beaten, but he made a great recovery stop.

Shortly after, however, Connor Cognac spoiled the potential shutout by making it a one-goal game with 4:48 remaining in regular time. Jacob Iby recorded the only assistance on the game.

"I thought it was a huge goal for us," said Foley of the third period goal. "This is our third line of work, so every time you get a big goal from them, it's going to give your team a boost. I thought the ensuing power play was our opportunity, but Arlington has done a great job on the penalty spot since we didn't handle the puck too well to try to tie it up there. "

As we approach next week, the Cardinals understand whether it is a winner or not, and that is how they like it.

"Who knows who will be our next opponent," said Foley. "There are two big teams that will play next.

But whoever it is, be prepared.

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