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Ramiz Raja: Impossible at the moment, but we are in no rush; New PCB chief Ramiz Raja on bilateral cricket with India | Cricket News


LAHORE: Newly elected Pakistani Cricket Board Chair Ramiz Raja on Monday said resuming bilateral engagements with India is “impossible at the moment” and that he is also “in no rush” as his focus at the moment is solely on his country’s domestic circuit.
The 59-year-old, who formally took over on Monday after being unanimously elected, also acknowledged that being chairman of the PCB is one of the toughest jobs in cricket.
“It is a very big challenge and many boxes had to be ticked before the Prime Minister (Imran Khan) decided to give me this tough job,” he said at a news conference here.

Asked about the possibility of reviving bilateral series between Pakistan and India, Raja said: “Impossible at the moment…”
“…because the sports model has been ruined by politics and at the moment it is a status quo and we are in no rush on this issue as we need to focus on our domestic and local cricket,” he added.
He also expressed his dismay at the development that there would be no decision rating system in the upcoming Pakistan-New Zealand whiteball series in Rawalpindi and Lahore.
“Yes, there is no doubt that this DRS issue is a mess and I will investigate this matter,” he said.
Raja expressed concerns about the level of coaching in the country and said there was an urgent need to improve the local infrastructure in the country.
When asked whether he would allow the CEO of the board of directors, Wasim Khan, to proceed, Raja made it clear that he would not discuss internal affairs of the body publicly.
However, he claimed that when it came to proper accountability, 90 percent of officials deserved to be fired from the board.
Raja was also asked about the India-Pakistan match in the coming World Cup T20 in Dubai. The game is due to be played on October 24.
“It’s a showstopper and when I met the players of the Pakistani team I told them I want the tables to be turned this time and the team has to be 100 percent operational before the game and be good at it,” he said. he.
The new PCB chairman also said he wants the national team to play cricket fearlessly.
“We have to be prepared to face problems and also lose matches, but I told the players not to worry about their place in the team and play cricket fearlessly.
“I know we will encounter more failures than success if we go down this road, but we have to do it if we want to become relevant in world cricket. Because this is a process and we also need to change the mindset of our players.”
Raja is Pakistan’s 18th Test and 12th ODI captain, having played 255 caps scoring 8,674 runs from 1984 to 1997.
He previously served the PCB as Chief Executive from 2003-2004 and has represented Pakistan on the ICC Chief Executives’ Committee and currently sits on the MCC World Cricket Committee.
After his retirement he has been a successful broadcaster.




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