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College Football Odds, Lines, Picks, Predictions for Week 3, 2021: Proven Model Supporting Notre Dame, Cincinnati


Week 3’s school football schedule is highlighted by a trio of Top 25 matchups. The SEC on CBS game will feature #1 Alabama to #11 Florida at 3:30 p.m. ET on Saturday. The final college football odds in Week 3 of Caesars Sportsbook give Alabama a 14.5-point lead in that SEC showdown. Out West, No. 19 Arizona State travels to No. 23 BYU (+2.5). And in an intriguing SEC-Big Ten matchup, No. 22 Auburn to take on No. 10 Penn State (-6).

Should you include one of those week 3 college football spreads in your bets? And are there college football lines in some of the less heralded matchups that add value? Before making your choice for college football in week 3, make sure that: check out the latest college football predictions and betting advice from SportsLine’s proven model.

The SportsLine Projection Model simulates every FBS college football game 10,000 times. Over the past five years, the proprietary computer model has generated astonishing profits of over $3,500 for $100 players at its highest rating. choice of college football against the spread. It also goes into week 3 of the 2021 season with a 67-50 run on all of the top-rated college football picks. Anyone who has followed it has seen huge returns.

Now it has turned its attention to the last week 3college football opportunities from Caesars and locked in picks for every FBS matchup.Go here to see every choice.

Top Predictions for College Football in Week 3

One of the top college football picks the model recommends for Week 3: No. 12 Notre Dame (-7) covers at home against Purdue in a game at 2:30 p.m. ET on Saturday. The Fighting Irish survived a few early season scares against Toledo and the state of Florida. The biggest positive, however, was quarterback Jack Coan’s play.

The transfer to Wisconsin completes 69.1 percent of his passes for 605 yards, six touchdowns and just a few interceptions. He needs more help from the defense and the hasty attack. SportsLine’s model projects good results for both. Notre Dame holds Purdue at 24 points and the Irish are piling up about 150 meters on the ground, according to the simulations. That helps the Fighting Irish cover more than 50 percent of the time, while the under (58.5) also hits.

Another one of the model’s college football predictions: No. 8 Cincinnati (-3) covers an afternoon ET kickoff in Indiana on Saturday. The Bearcats are aiming for the College Football Playoffs this season. But if they want to be serious contenders, they will have to make statements over the next two weeks with Indiana and Notre Dame on the schedule.

Indiana was stunned by Iowa in the opener, and now the Hoosiers will face another talented and physical team in the Bearcats. SportsLine’s model sees this as a low-score game that stays in the 1940s. That helps hit the under (51) with plenty of room to spare, while the Bearcats take the double-digit win and cover nearly 60 percent of the time.

How to make school football choices in week 3

The model has also put out a call on who will win and cover in every other match on the Week 3 school football schedule, calling for a Top 25 favorite to go hard.You can only get every pick for every game at SportsLine.

So what college football choices can you make with confidence? And which Top 25 favorite is going down fast? View the latest odds for university football below visit SportsLine to see which teams are winning and cover the spread, all from a tried and true computer model that has brought in over $3,500 in profits over the past five seasons, and invent.

Week 3 College Football Opportunities (via Caesars)

Here are the college football lines for some of Week 3’s most notable matchups:

Thursday September 16

Ohio vs. Louisiana (-20, 54.5)

Featured game | Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns vs. Ohio Bobcats

Friday 17 September

Louisville vs. UCF (-7.5, 69.5)

Featured game | Louisville Cardinals vs. UCF Knights

Illinois vs Maryland (-7.5, 59)

Featured game | Illinois Fight Illini vs. Maryland Terrapins

Saturday September 18

Coastal Carolina vs. Buffalo (+10.5, 58)

Featured game | Buffalo Bulls vs. Coastal Carolina Chanticleers

Cincinnati vs. Indiana (+3.51)

Featured game | Indiana Hoosiers vs. Cincinnati Bearcats

Michigan State vs. Miami (FL) (-6.5, 54.5)

Featured game | Miami (FL) Hurricanes vs. Michigan State Spartans

Northern Illinois vs. Michigan (-27, 54.5)

Featured game | Michigan Wolverines vs. Northern Illinois Huskies

Virginia Tech vs. West Virginia (-2.5, 50.5)

Featured game | West Virginia Mountaineers vs. Virginia Tech Hokies

Nebraska vs. Oklahoma (-22, 61.5)

Featured game | Oklahoma Sooners vs. Nebraska Cornhuskers

New Mexico vs. Texas A&M (-27.5, 51)

Featured game | Texas A&M Aggies vs. New Mexico Lobos

Purdue vs. Notre Dame (-7, 59)

Featured game | Notre Dame fights Irish vs. Purdue Boilermakers

Georgia Tech vs. Clemson (-28.5, 51)

Featured game | Clemson Tigers vs. Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets

Alabama vs. Florida (+14.5, 57)

Featured game | Florida Gators vs. Alabama Crimson Tide

Tulsa vs. the state of Ohio (-25, 60.5)

Featured game | Ohio State Buckeyes vs. Tulsa Golden Hurricane

Kent State vs. Iowa (-22.5, 54.5)

Featured game | Iowa Hawkeyes vs. Kent State Golden Flashes

State of Georgia vs. Arkansas (-23, 52.5)

Featured game | Arkansas Razorbacks vs. Georgia Southern Eagles

South Carolina vs. Georgia (-30.5, 48.5)

Featured game | Georgia Bulldogs vs. South Carolina Gamecocks

Virginia vs. North Carolina (-9, 65)

Featured game | North Carolina Tar Heels vs. Virginia Cavaliers

Maroon vs Penn State (-6.5, 53)

Featured game | Penn State Nittany Lions vs. Auburn Tigers

Tulane vs. Ole Miss (-14, 73)

Featured game | Ole Miss Rebels vs. Tulane Green Wave

State of Arizona vs. BYU (+2.5, 50.5)

Featured game | BYU Cougars vs. Arizona State Sun Devils

State of Iowa vs UNLV (+30, 52)

Featured game | UNLV Rebels Vs Cyclones in the State of Iowa

State of Fresno vs UCLA (-10)

Featured game | UCLA Bruins vs. Fresno State Bulldogs




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