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Mizzou Visits Boston College In Non-Conference Showdown


Allie Green

Hunter Dyke/Mizzou Athletics

american football

Tigers face the Eagles for the first time in program history

COLUMBIA, Mo. Mizzou football (2-1, 0-1 SEC) travels to Boston College (3-0, 0-0 ACC) on Saturday, September 25 for its first-ever meeting with the Eagles. Kick-off is set for 11 a.m. CT on ESPN2.

Mike Kelly, Howard Richards and Chris Gervino will be speaking on Tiger Radio Network.


The Tigers and Eagles meet for the first time on the roster. Mizzou is 7-8 all-time against current members of the ACC. Mizzou is 70-88-8 all-time in non-conference road races. The Tigers are looking for their first road win outside of a conference since September 15, 2018 in Purdue.


Tyler Badie scored three touchdowns in the first half, two rushing and one receiving, and Connor Baselak threw for 346 yards as Missouri led the SEMO Redhawks 38-0 at halftime to a 59-21 victory. Missouri (2-1) scored on all six of his possessions in the first half and held SEMO (0-3) to 69 total yards while rolling up 458 himself. Bazelak completed his first nine passes and finished the half 21-of-30. He threw 11 yards to Badie, 46 yards to Boo Smith and 52 yards to Chance Luper. It was the most first-half passes by a Mizzou quarterback since Drew Lock threw for 371 yards in the first two quarters in 2017. It was Baselak’s fourth 300-yard pass and his first this season. He completed passes to 10 different receivers.


Pat Garwo, Travis Levy and Dennis Grosel scored lightning-fast touchdowns as Boston College rode to a 28-3 victory over Temple in a non-conference clash. Grosel – who stepped up to the quarterback spot after starter Phil Jurkovec’s injury during last week’s win over UMass – also added a touchdown pass to Jaden Williams. The Eagles defense recorded four sacks of Owls quarterback Justin Lynch, who was under constant pressure all afternoon. Boston College was especially effective in third, where they kept Temple at 2-for-13 overall. Boston College set the tone for the game with Levy’s 66-yard return from the opening kick just inside the Temple 30. Two plays later, Grosel discovered

Williams on a ramp in the end zone for a 19-yard touchdown pass.


  • Mizzou is one of 19 teams in the country to have scored in every trip to the red zone this season. The Tigers have nine touchdowns and one field goal in their 10 trips to the red zone.
  • With a 90 percent touchdown percentage, the Tigers have the best touchdown percentage of the 19 teams that have converted each trip to the red zone.
  • Mizzou has two hasty touchdowns and nine passing touchdowns within 20 this season.
  • The Tigers are one of two SEC teams to be perfect in the red zone in 2021, along with LSU converting each of its nine possessions.


  • Mizzou is in fifth place nationally in lost revenue and committed just a single foul in three games this season.
  • The Tigers lead the SEC alongside Alabama with just one turnover.
  • Mizzou’s only turnover was an interception in Kentucky. The Tigers have not messed up once in the first three games.


  • Mizzou’s attack set a historic record against SEMO, scoring five times from over 45 yards. The five touchdowns over 45 yards are the most in one game in Mizzou’s history.
  • The previous highlight was four touchdowns over 45 yards against the state of Iowa in 1942.
  • This was the second time under coach Drinkwitz that the Tigers had at least four touchdowns from 20+ yards, a feat the team achieved against LSU in 2020.
  • Mizzou’s five TDs of 45+ yards against SEMO were a 49-yard run by Tyler Badie, 55-yard run by Michael Cox, 46-yard catch by Boo Smith out Connor Baselak, 52 meters reception by Chance Luper from Baselak and 65-yard pass from Tyler Macon until JJ Hester.


  • run back Tyler Badie is just 39 yards from becoming the first Mizzou player to ever record 1,000 fast and receiving career careers.
  • The senior has averaged 164 all-purpose yards this season, sixth nationally and first in the SEC.
  • Badie’s 345 rushing yards ranks 13th in the country and second in the SEC. His 115 yards per game are 14th nationally and second in the league.
  • His three total touchdowns, two rushes, one received, against SEMO marked a career high. Badie is ranked 12th nationally with 36 points per season. His three receiving touchdowns are 16th nationally.




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