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Ryder Cup: Bryson DeChambeau ends silence as he makes peace with Brooks Koepka


MANY of you may think that Bryson DeChambeau is some kind of wave machine, put together in an underground lab and made up of an intricate tangle of wires, circuit boards, blinking LEDs, beams and rivets. So when he says, “I have a brass chest,” you probably wouldn’t be surprised if he lifted his official Ryder Cup polo shirt to reveal a chest made, quite literally, of brass.

Poor old DeChambeau must of course be made of sturdy material. During a vibrant year, more chaotic than Humza Yusaf attempting to ride his knee scooter through the hallways of Holyrood, the Californian has rarely been out of the limelight.

Whether it was the long-running feud with American teammate Brooks Koepka that led to raucous galleries bickering, a scathing public attack on his club manufacturers at The Open or his controversial views on Covid vaccinations, the 28-year-old has taken care of the golf writers. with lots of great stuff. The problem for those golf writers is that he’s been boycotting the press for over a month. Until now, yes.

Prior to the 43rd Ryder Cup at Whistling Straits, DeChambeau ended his vow of silence while stating that Koepka and himself had come to some sort of rapprochement.

“I sat down and had dinner with him last night and it was fine,” he said, painting an idyllic picture of these warring factions ordering a pudding and two spoons in the light of a flickering candle. “I think there might be something fun coming here in the future, but I won’t say too much about that.” They’re not going to be paired up in the foursome, are they?

As for ending his pressure on the press? Well, maybe it’s just for this week. “This is a team event, I’m focused on helping Team USA to a win, and that’s honestly why I’m here,” DeChambeau said when asked why he agreed to speak to the media. “I’m not going to make this about me again. This is about a team event. I have a copper box. I got a lot of heat. But I’m at peace with it.”

In recent months, DeChambeau was singled out for special treatment of some of the livelier elements of the American galleries, and there were reports of the former US Open champion facing a loud beak during the BMW Championship. Not long after, the high yins on the PGA Tour unveiled a new code of conduct for spectators to prevent players from being harassed, harassed and abused. In the flag-waving, patriotic fervor of the Ryder Cup, DeChambeau hopes he will get plenty of support this weekend without barracks.

“Ultimately, we’re all human,” he said of his torrid relationship with the galleries. “I think clearly there’s a level of, I think you could say, control that a human will ever have, and you can have a lot of armor and you can protect yourself with people around you and stuff.

“Sure, there are times when it’s not comfortable, but there are also times when it feeds me. I think this week will be a great example of that, and it’s going to be nice to have the crowd behind us and pump them up and show them what hopefully I can do and what we can do more as a team that’s important. ”

The partisan crowds at a Ryder Cup on American soil never need much of an excuse to get pumped up and one or two trademark DeChambeau howitzers off the tee will no doubt crank up the general yee-hawing.

“I could use my height on this golf course to a potential advantage,” he said of the heavy artillery in his arsenal. “I would say hopefully I can get it on the golf course with a ball speed of 200 miles per hour. That would be really nice.

“There will be certain holes where it’s a huge advantage: 10, six, five, one, two. There’s a whole list of holes where it will be a huge advantage if I hit it in the fairway.”

DeChambeau’s Ryder Cup has already lost. He was defeated by Daniel Berger in a team room table tennis game last night. “It smells a bit,” he said with a smile. DeChambeau hopes it will be his only setback this weekend.




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