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Football diary: New defensive assistants adjust on the fly | Tulane


Tulans Willie fritz Has never had to replace a defensive coach since his first attempts until the end of his fourth season in New Orleans.

In February, however, he lost the defensive line coach Kevin Peoples (towards Indiana) and defensive backs Chris Hampton (Duke) in the same week, requiring him to delay the start of spring exercises by five days while hiring assistants and briefing them as soon as possible.

It's so much learning, trying to catch up with a whole new system and a new scheme, said former Evangel (Shreveport) High coach. Byron Dawson Tuesday after leading the defensive linemen to the field or the first time Tuesday. I have been here for three days.

Josh Christian-Young, the new defensive back coach, had a little easier after leaving a similar role with the military. He played for Fritz in central Missouri, was an assistant coach for him at Georgia Southern for two years and worked under the defensive coordination of Tulane Jack curtis in central Missouri and also in South Georgia.

Christian-Young said that much of the DB technique that I have been teaching for some time came from Coach Curtis and Coach Fritz, after training from Waves Thursday. Some terminology has changed a little, but knowing these guys has really helped.

The two coaches said the decision to join Fritz was easy, although it was difficult for Dawson to tell the Evangel community that he was leaving after nearly 16 years as an assistant and coach. -chief.

Dawson won a four-year defensive line letter to the LSU under former coach Nick Saban, winning an SEC championship in 2001. He said the experience would ease his transition from high school head coach to college position. He said that Fritz had told him in the past to be ready for an offer if the position of defensive line coach would open.

"It has always been my position that I played in college, playing for (former LSU defensive line coach) Pete Jenkins and from Nick Saban, he said. Meanwhile, I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience that was part of the culture here, so it was an easy adaptation and an easy transition for these guys.

Christian-Young is one of Tulanes' two defensive back coaches, focusing on safety while J.J. McCleskey works mainly with cornerbacks.

Obviously, knowing Coach Fritz for as long as I know him, playing for him and knowing the type of man and person he is, it was a no-brainer to come here, a said Christian-Young. I was really excited about the opportunity in a big city and a big university.


Sophomore redshirt Christian Daniels moved to the quarterback position, where he was never a factor after signing in 2018 at Western Alamance High in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. He played at the end of two games last year, rushing three times on 23 yards and throwing zero passes.

With senior Keon Howard and freshman Michael Pratt competing for first place in the quarterback in the spring, and the Country Day star Justin Ibieta arriving in the summer, the coaches want to use Daniels' skills.

He's tight, H back, wide receiver, said Fritz. He might even end up playing a bit (running) for us. We want to get him out into the field. He is a good athlete, and we want to take him where he can play. He will be involved in the kick game.

Daniels had assists in each of the first three spring practices.

Secondary offset

Tulane has an opening at nickelback and junior Macon Clark filled in Thursday practice.

Clark, a backup security last year, divided the rehearsals with K.J. Vault, the only remainder at the position after Will harper and Larry Bryant graduated and Barge Pull entered the transfer portal. Clark had 14 tackles in nine games and returned an interception for a touchdown against Connecticut. Vault, who played sparingly, had four tackles.

Chase Kuerschen was the free security of the first team and Larry Brooks was the first strong, safe team this week. Redshirt freshmen Tyler judson and TonQuez Ball were on the second unit.

Hang out with a bunch of these guys, said Fritz. We want to be able to play multiple positions in high school, so we have Chase Kuerschen and Macon Clark and Larry Brooks and Ton & # 39; Quez Ball and Tyler Judson, a group of guys who can play multiple spots. It really helps your depth. "


Nick Kubiet, an often injured defensive lineman who has never played in three years, and Jacquez Norman, a security that signed in February 2019, is no longer part of the team. Kubiet was placed under medical duress. Tight end Tyrick James, whose 19 catches in 2019 were the second behind Amare Jones among the returning players, was heavily involved in the passing game in the first week of exercises. Linebacker Kevin Henry, a graduate transfer from the State of Oklahoma, worked with the first team alongside Marvin Moody to practical Saturday morning. … After two sharp practices, Pratt struggled on Saturday, throwing a pair of interceptions in the 11-on-11 job. … Howard connected with the Oklahoma graduate transfer Mykel Jones for a long touchdown and hit in second year Jha & # 39; Quan Jackson with a nice pass for another score.

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