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As many as 10 people withdrew from the national table tennis team, Yingsha Sun took the initiative to resign, and the reason was revealed


After the Table Tennis Championships are over, the national table tennis players will have a short break before heading to Wenzhou for training camps in preparation for the World Table Tennis Championships. Recently, the circulated training list revealed that many famous players, including Gu Yuting, were absent, sparking speculation. Now the answer has finally been revealed, 10 athletes, including Fang Bo, left the national team collectively, and Sun Yingsha’s teacher, Huang Haicheng, also officially resigned.

As many as 10 people withdrew from the national table tennis team, Yingsha Sun took the initiative to resign, and the reason was revealed

When the Olympics or the National Games ends, there is always a group of athletes who choose to withdraw from the national team and start a new life. Since this year’s Olympics, the National Games and the Table Tennis Super League, the tide of leaving teams has become even fiercer. The men’s table tennis of the 92nd generation Zhou Yu, Fang Bo, Yan An and the younger Zheng Peifeng have all officially announced their retirement, and the women’s team has more people retiring.

As many as 10 people withdrew from the national table tennis team, Yingsha Sun took the initiative to resign, and the reason was revealed

According to a report by “Ping Pong World”, the women’s team 6 players Feng Yalan, Li Jiayi, Zhang Qiang, Liu Fei, Gu Yuting and Che Xiaoxi also ended their national team careers. Although these women have not won the world championship, they have their own characteristics. Has left a deep impression on the fans.

As many as 10 people withdrew from the national table tennis team, Yingsha Sun took the initiative to resign, and the reason was revealed

Liu Fei was originally the number one chipper in women’s table tennis, and he has cut many famous players. Gu Yuting is a very powerful player. She is very brave against the Japanese team; Feng Yalan’s “two-sword style” against Ding Ning has long been a classic; Che Xiaoxi’s partner Wang Manyu takes the next National Games women’s doubles champion, high-profile fan; Zhang Qiang is a candy bar player, Li Jiayi was a guest coach of Shenzhen University and led the team to win the 2020 table tennis championships.

As many as 10 people withdrew from the national table tennis team, Yingsha Sun took the initiative to resign, and the reason was revealed

In the tide of national table tennis leaving the team, the departure of Sun Yingsha’s mentor Huang Haicheng had a major impact on Sun Yingsha. This time, Huang Hai asked to voluntarily leave the national team because of his family. Huang Haicheng said he left mainly because the second daughter in the family was still young and he didn’t take care of the family all year round. In addition, the eldest daughter now has a critical time in training and also has the dream of becoming a world champion.

As many as 10 people withdrew from the national table tennis team, Yingsha Sun took the initiative to resign, and the reason was revealed

In the fierce competition of the women’s team, Olympic doubles champion Chen Meng is accompanied by Ma Lin and Wang Manyu, who is currently invincible, is assisted by grand slam coach Xiao Zhan. Only Sun Yingsha does not have a coach in charge. With the World Table Tennis Championships approaching, there is only a month to go. Who will take Sun Yingsha is full of suspense. In the critical period of Sun Yingsha’s technical transformation, she needs a coach who can wholeheartedly help her.




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