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Late fine in Wolverines for losing road to Buckeyes


Michigan took a 1-0 lead in the 52nd minute on a Sammi Woods goal, her fourth of the season.
Ohio State ended the game with two unanswered goals, including a penalty score awarded in the 85th minute.
Michigan defeated OSU 20-16 and fell to 9-2-2 on the year beating opponents.

Website: Columbus, Ohio (Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium)
Score: Ohio State 2, #22 Michigan 1
Facts: UM (10-3-3, 4-2-2 B1G), OSU (8-7-1, 3-4-1 B1G)
Next UM event: Sunday, October 21 — vs. Penn State (UM Soccer Stadium), 7 p.m.

Columbus, Ohio — Sophomore Sammi Woods scored its fourth goal of the season, but the 22nd-ranked women’s soccer team at the University of Michigan fell 2-1 to Ohio State on Sunday (Oct. 17) at Jesse Owens Memorial Stadium in Columbus.

A late penalty for the Buckeyes in the 85th minute proved to make all the difference. A marker from Woods in the 52nd minute turned out to be the only goal for the Wolverines.

Ohio State (8-7-1, 3-4-1 Big Ten) got its first big chance of the game in the 12th minute, when Brittany Duncan fired a shot through traffic that was parried by Wolverine goalkeeper Hillary Beall to keep the game scoreless. For 20 minutes, OSU held a 6-3 lead in the shots category.

Michigan junior Lily Wolf checked in in the 27th minute and impressed right away. In the 30th minute, she tried her luck from 25 yards, sent a shot that dove to the top of the six and tested the Buckeyes goalkeeper, but it went out for a UM corner. Minutes later she took a loft service from classmate Hannah Blake inside the penalty area, but her effort was pushed narrowly to the right.

The Wolverines controlled the last 20 minutes of the half and closed the opening 45 minutes with a 9-8 lead in shots.

UM broke through in the 52nd minute, as a shot from Kacey Lawrence went out for a corner. Senior’s subsequent ball Raleigh Loughman went to classmate Nicki Hernandez on the near sideline. A backpass to Woods near the top of the six was brought home with a left foot on top board to give the Wolverines a 1-0 lead.

Tweet from the contest

The Buckeyes tied the score in the 66th minute when a shot into the penalty area by Kailyn Dudukovich was stopped by Beall from close range. However, the rebound skipped to Chloe Delyser on the back post, who finished bottom right to put the game at 1.

Michigan continued to control the flow of the game in the latter part of the game, with changes from senior Sydney Shepherd (72nd minute) and Blake (78th minute). A setback struck the Wolverines in the 85th minute, when a penalty kick was awarded to the Buckeyes amid protests from the Wolverine bench.

Beall had guessed right trying to dive to her left, but Dudukovich’s shot found the back of the net and gave OSU a 2-1 lead with just minutes to play.

After the Buckeyes goal, UM had two chances at a certain piece, as well as three shots, but to no avail as UM dropped the game 2-1.

Michigan defeated OSU 20-16 in the afternoon, scoring a total of six saves in goal by Beall.

Michigan returns home to close out the regular season with a few games at the UM Soccer Stadium. On Thursday (October 21), the Wolverines will host Penn State on FS1 at 7 p.m. The last game of the UM regular season will take place on Sunday (October 24) when Maryland comes to Ann Arbor for an afternoon game.




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