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Fabulous Football Sunday: Al Fabbri, Sal Somma and Dennis Barrett Award winners announced


The Fabulous Football Sunday revealed three of Staten Islands' top college football winners on Sunday after honoring the 25 Friend of Staten Island Football / Coaches All Stars at Curtis High Schools St. George auditorium.

The Friends of Staten Island Football Committee is made up of Bill DAmbrosio, John Iasparro and Bobby McGhie. This committee is responsible for selecting the Sal Somma Award, which is awarded each year to the best line player on the islands, and teams up with a panel of athletes from Staten Island Advance to select the winner of the Al Fabbri Prize, which is awarded each year. to the most useful player on the islands.

First Prize Dennis Barrett recognizes a player for excellence in football, leadership and community service. Iasparro teamed up with Bishop Farrell, head coach / sport director Tony Garofalo, Farrell assistant sport director Rich Potter and former player / assistant coach Farrell Ted Parnese to select a winner.

While the Somma and Barrett winners have been selected from a shortlist of candidates that includes a representative from each of the 11 islands, the Fabbri winner is chosen from among 25 friends of Staten Island Football / Coaches All Stars.

Fabbri recipients Somma and Barrett didn't know they had won until the Friends of Staten Island master of ceremonies John Iasparro announced his name to the public.

Winner Fabbri

Roland Dempster of Tottenville, who was the 49th annual Fabbri Prize winner, addresses the crowd while Bill D & # 39; Ambrosio, member of the Friends of Staten Island Football committee, and city councilor Steven Matteo listen. (Staten Island Advance / Charlie De Biase Jr.)

Al Fabbri Prize

Just hours after learning he was the Fugazzi Prize winner (MVP) on Saturday evening, Tottenvilles Roland Dempster finished the sweep over the weekend after being named 49th annual Fabbri Prize winner as Best islands football player.

Dempster is not only the second consecutive Tottenville player to win the Fabbri, but the ninth overall, including the sixth in the last 10 years.

The three-year-old college player had a record season for the Pirates as he led them to the PSAL City Conference Conference Championship game at Yankee Stadium. The senior rushed for 1,368 yards on 129 runs (10.6 points per game) and 17 touchdowns.

Additionally, even though he was not a full-time defensive player, he still recorded 34 tackles and returned a pair of interceptions for touchdowns.

"It really is an honor. I appreciate it and I couldn't have done it without head coach (Brian) Neville and my teammates," said Dempster, 17. , who suffered a partial tear in the hamstrings at the end of the season. . "The injury slowed me down in the end, but it just made me enjoy the game even more. It was a great season for us as a whole and I'm happy to be able to do it. to have been part. & amp; # 39;

Iasparro, meanwhile, said the choice was obvious.

"It was a unanimous choice … he was the # 1 guy on the island and one of the best we have seen in a while," said Iasparro. "If Tottenville needed a big game, he was the guy. He made games and was relentless … no matter if he was playing attack or defense. & amp; # 39;

Dempster, who was a NYSSWA All-State Class AA second team selection, said he was motivated to succeed from the moment he played as a youth.

"Before Tottenville, some people doubted me because I played for the Staten Island Boys (Football League) and I always wanted to prove them wrong," said the 6-foot-1, 220-pound Dempster, who will attend Stony Brook University in the fall. "I felt like I had things to prove and I'm glad I could do it."

Al Fabbri Prize Winners

1971-Bernie Previti (Curtis)

1972-John Quinn (Farrell)

1973-Jim Garcia (New Dorp)

1974-Steve Ferraris (Port Richmond)

1975-Mike Gilsensan (Tottenville)

1976-Dino Mangiero (Curtis)

1977-Tony Bahno (Tottenville)

1978-Frank Marone (Farrell)

1979-John Skronski (Farrell)

1980-Rich Roche (Farrell)

1981-Mike Garcia (New Dorp)

1982-Herb Bellamy (Susan Wagner)

1983-Steve Valente (New Dorp)

1984-David DiTommaso (Farrell)

1985-Vernon Turner (Curtis)

1986-Gary Wilkos (Farrell)

1987-Bobby Rodriguez (Susan Wagner)

1988-Anthony Garofalo (Farrell)

1989-Mike Taranto (Susan Wagner) & Lamont Watson (Susan Wagner)

1990-Eddie Thompson (Susan Wagner)

1991-Javonne Darling (Susan Wagner)

1992-Tom Reali (Susan Wagner)

1993-Greg Guastavino (Farrell)

1994-Peter Timmins (Curtis)

1995-Malik Aluqdah (Susan Wagner)

1996-Malik Aluqdah (Susan Wagner) and Joe Romero (Curtis)

1997-Cassel Smith (Tottenville)

1998-Jovan Whitehead (Curtis)

1999-Steven Gregory (Curtis)

2000-Steven Gregory (Curtis) and Ramael Myers (Susan Wagner)

2001-Harrison Tindall (Susan Wagner)

2002-Damian McCaig (Curtis)

2003-Josh Amaro (Farrell)

2004-Nick Doscher (Moore)

2005-Andre Cirino (Susan Wagner)

2006-Freddie Santana (New Dorp)

2007-Dominick LeGrande (Curtis)

2008-Torian Phillips (Port Richmond)

2009-Dominique Easley (Curtis) and Lyle McCombs (Sea)

2010-Alvin Cornelius (Tottenville)

2011-Alvin Cornelius (Tottenville)

2012-Kevin Austin (Curtis)

2013-James Munson (Tottenville)

2014-Dawa Winn (New Dorp)

2015-Jesse Bramble (Tottenville)

2016-Amad Anderson (Curtis)

2017-Amad Anderson (Curtis) and Quincy Barnes (Curtis)

2018-Mike Jones (Tottenville)

2019-Roland Dempster (Tottenville)

* Before 1983, the award was called the Joe Burke Award

Interior lineman

Port Richmond lineman Andrew Hosie, second from right, is joined by, from left to right, Councilor Steven Matteo, member of the Friends of Staten Island Football Committee Bill D & # 39; Ambrosio, former winner of the Sal Somma Award Adam Vischio and member of the Friends of Staten Island Football committee John Iasparro after being named the winner of the Sal Somma Award 2019. (Staten Island Advance / Charlie De Biase Jr.)

Sal Somma Prize

The third time turned out to be the charm of Port Richmonds Andrew Hosie.

The three-year-old college player, who has been named by Port Richmond coach Lou Vesce in each of the past three seasons, got the go-ahead for his final year and his reaction to hearing his name called was priceless .

"I felt like I had just won the Super Bowl," said Hosie, 17, who closed his eyes and died after being named the winner. "I have waited a long time and it is just a great feeling of accomplishment. It is very great.

"I grew up with a lot of these guys (who were also nominated) and they are all amazing players – and people – who could very well have won this award, so it's a real special time to me. & amp; # 39;

Hosie, who played defensive end and left tackle, played a central role as the Raiders not only finished 7-5, but have won two straight playoff games in the PSAL division. Bowl before losing in the semi-final.

"His technique and athleticism were incredible," said Iasparro de Hosie, who lives in Port Richmond. "He is taller and stronger than ever and he was also a field leader.

"He won the award. & amp; # 39;

Hosie said that when he was a freshman he admired former Port Richmond lineman Joshua Stamer, who happened to be the only other player in the 10 years of the Somma Awards to be named three time.

"He was a role model for me," said Hosie, who is Sonny Grasso's great-grandson. "In fact, I always wanted to be a tight side and I played in the center growing up, so I know that (playing football successfully) always starts with the line. If you don't not get that push, you don't win and I've always played with that mindset. & amp; # 39;

To view the full list of candidates for the Sal Somma Prize, please click here.

Sal Somma Award winners

2010 – Adam Vischio, Saint Joseph by the sea

2011 – Paul Scrocco, Curtis

2012 – Rich Lam, Tottenville

2013 – Anthony Coyle, Tottenville

2014 – Sean Kennedy, Saint-Pierre

2015 – Zach O & # 39; Neill, Mgr Farrell

2016 – Damian Ostaszewski, Curtis

2017 – Isaiah Ortiz, Curtis

2018 – Alex Barshaba, MSIT

2019 – Andrew Hosie, Port Richmond

Barrett Prize

Justin Cohen of McKee / Staten Island Tech, second from right, is joined by award committee members Dennis Barrett (left to right) Rich Potter, John Iasparro and Ted Parnese after Cohen has been named the first recipient of the Barrett Prize. (Staten Island Advance / Charlie De Biase Jr.)

Dennis Barrett Award

McKee / Staten Island technicians Justin Cohen have been selected from an impressive list of nominees as the first recipient of the award named in honor of the former football coach of Archbishop Farrell.

The three-year-old university player was cited for his soccer skills, leadership and community service.

"I am very honored to receive this award – I couldn't have done it without my teammates and coaches, in particular (linebackers coach) Brian Ballantine," said 17-year-old Cohen. "(Ballantine) took me under his wing and taught me to be a leader.

"(Playing MSIT football) has been the best four years of my life. & amp; # 39;

Cohen not only played a big role as linebacker and rear for the Seagulls, but he was thought enough to be named captain of MSIT junior varsity (before being called to varsity in 2017) and as senior (2017).

In addition, the Brooklyn resident has received a congressional nomination for the Air Force Academy which plans to leave for Colorado Springs in June.

Among his community service efforts, he helps his teammates as a tutor; be a worker at a New York food bank; be a camp counselor in a youth summer job program; assist with fundraising and help organize summer activities for students of the Upper Saddle River Childrens Academy; Volunteer at a back-to-school store that provides clothing and school supplies for underprivileged children to the National Council of Jewish Women and sort and deliver food to the pantries on Staten Island for the Bread of Life Food Drive.

"He was a solid player who was captain of MSITs JV and college and he went to Air Force Academy, which is a place where only the best kids in the country enter," said Iasparro. "His community service resume was also impressive, ranging from tutoring teammates to working in a food bank, for example. He's a kid who likes to do things for others, and you don't always see this nowadays. & amp; # 39;

Cohen said it was important to help the community.

"When you see other people who are not as lucky as you are, you should do something to help yourself," he said. "I really think it is important to give back."

To view the full list of Dennis Barrett Award nominees, please click here.

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