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No. 13 West Michigan Men’s Hockey Sweeps No. 2 St Cloud State


Brandon Bussi of Western Michigan made 36 saves and registered his second shutout of his career when the 13th-ranked Bronco hockey team won the #2 St. Cloud State after a 4-0 win at Lawson Ice Arena on Saturday night.

Jason Polin, Michael Joyaux, Paul Washe and Ty Glover all scored for WMU (8-4-0, 3-3-0 NCHC). Bussi made 28 of his 36 saves in the first two periods before Western Michigan held the Huskies to eight shots in the final 20 minutes. SCSU defeated WMU 36-24 overall in the evening and both teams finished 0-for-3 on the power play.

GAME 1 SUMMARY: Western Mich. Hockey Player Ethen Frank Scores 4 Goals, Helps Beat No. 2 St. Cloud State

After a scoreless first period, a 17-second stint halfway through the second turned the game upside down. The Huskies dominated the odds, but Polin bounced off Washe’s shot at 7:49 to give the Broncos a 1-0 lead. Josh Passolt also picked up an assist on Polin’s fourth goal of the season.

Just 17 seconds later, Joyaux created space for himself in the right circle and fired the puck past Jaxon Castor into the top left corner of the net for his third goal of the season and sixth goal against SCSU. Chad Hillebrand got an assist on goal as WMU took a 2-0 lead.

The Broncos did their best to slow down St. Cloud State’s attack in the third period. A late penalty at WMU gave the Huskies a power play in the closing minutes. SCSU pulled Castor in front of the extra striker, but Ronnie Attard interrupted a rush and pushed the puck to Cedric Fiedler and he swept it off the ice. Washe won the race for the puck and tapped it into an open net before the short-handed goal, taking the lead to 3-0.

RANK: Check out the latest hockey Power 10 men’s rankings | Latest USCHO poll

SCSU pulled the keeper again minutes later and this time it was Glover who tapped him in after Attard stole the puck on the blue line of the WMU with eight seconds left to play.

West Michigan heads for Thanksgiving, traveling to New York to face Saint Lawrence on Friday and Saturday at 7 p.m. Both matches will be streamed live on ESPN+. The Broncos will not return home until December 10-11 when they reach No. 9 Hosting Omaha.

Men’s College Hockey: West Michigan Frank Scores 4 Goals, Beats St. Cloud State

Ethen Frank became the first western Michigan hockey player to score four goals in a game since 2006, when the 13th-ranked Broncos defeated #2 St. Cloud State 6-2 at the Lawson Ice Arena on Friday.


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